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Guadalope's Pick Up Thread (NJ Dankness) Lots of Pics

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Guadalope, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. Here is my pick up thread... Lot's of Pics, lots of pretties. Some pics suck, but what ever, I ain't a professional Photographer, and I feel bad not posting all of em, lol. They're all beautiful to me... I wanna make a photo album...

    Tell me what you think! PEACE (I don't smoke anymore, so this is it, sadly)

    "BROOKLYN" HAZE (Was some Haze grown in Brooklyn): Stanky ass Hazey smell, Tastey ass Hazey Taste... Awesome Head high, was one of my personal favorite smokes, I love sativa's and this was a bangin ass Sativa... I was mixing this weed with my GDP a lot.

    GRANDDADDY PURPLE (Forgot the Genetics... Sorry): This is the dankest shit I've smoked up to date... FUCK man, Narcotic as fuck... Fuckin would put down an Elephant. The smell was like sex, It smelt like Candy mixed with Purple Dankness. The taste was like sex, tasted like the smell. The high was like sex. Your face would melt from a bong hit... Goodness... Tasted like Purple Dankness, have purple taste in your lungs/phlegm all day...

    GOD'S GIFT: (OG KUSH x GRANDADDY PURPLE) This shit was dank as fuck... Almost on my GDP level of Dankness, but not quite the same level, just 1 notch below GDP. The taste was FANTASTIC... A Kushy Candy Purple Taste. So nice... Smell was more GDP than Kush. Taste was more GDP than Kush.

    PURPLE KUSH: Dank as fuck... Narcotic High... Taste was immaculate all purpley and MMMM GOOD, High was long as fuck... Smoked this shit for like 2 weeks. More Purple taste, than Kush taste.

    "BLURPLE" (Purple Strain X Blue Berry Strain): Was a very Uplifting High, it was an Indica Dominant crossed with a Sativa. I'd say 60/40, but the Sativa high was very present. It almost felt like an Anti Depressant in a way, I would go into DEEP SELF Thought, and just analyze Life. I felt like I was being Healed when I smoked this shit.... Was very nice. The taste was superb, was a Purple Taste Mixed with Blue Berries, The smell was flowery blue berry, STRONG, but did not smell like Weed. More like if Purple Bud was crossed with Flowers. One of my favorite Smokes. This weed was so fuckin Purple it looked black... It was so fuckin pretty...
    Mixed Blurple/Sour D/Blue Dream

    SOUR D: Super Stanky Danky... Fantastic Smoke, a little Harsh, but fuck I don't care. It melted your Face. It was O.G, I love O.G weed vs Hydro... The taste was fantastic Diesel taste, High was top notch... MMM mmm MMM... Love Diesel For their Tastes alone...
    I Believe these are SOUR D

    MY HOMEGROWN SATIVA: This weed was so fucking Dank... It's the only Weed that has been on GDP's level, it was DANKER... It smelled like Candy, sooooo sweet, it was like an uplifting Aroma... The aroma felt like it was healing you... When I smoked it, the High reminnseced my first time getting High, I was that High.... I was shocked as to how High I was... As was my buddy who grew it with me. We were like GODDAMN SON!. Taste was Bomb ass bangin' candy'ness. I wish I could of saved this strain, and grown more of it... It was so fucking dank... Seemed like it had healing properties...

    NO NAME DANK (POSSIBLY Hindu Kush or Pink Panther, I forgot which it was...): was dank as fuck, thats all I remember.


  2. jersey dank for ya :D

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