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growtent heat problems

Discussion in 'Grow Room Design/Setup' started by v1nc3, May 27, 2009.

  1. ok so i have a growtent 1mx1mx2m
    i have a carbon filter directly connected to a 5inch ruckfan that then sucks thru a 600w cooltube straight out ov an open between the ruck and cooltube is a long ducting enough to drop light up and down (depending on plant growth)then ov cause more ducting to reach an open window in room.
    i have a 4 inch ruk pumping fresh air thru a vent in the wall ducting here is kinda long as most know the ducting hole is at the bottom ov tent

    my question is what can i do as temps reach the 90s when tent is fully closed and around 85 if door/zip left open havent really got the cash to go upping cooltube ruk ducting inches

    all suggestions greatly appreciated

    forgot to say lights on @ 9pm and ballasts outside ov tent

    tryed upping some pics but got a missing certificate?
  2. the air your venting in is getting to warm before getting to your tent can you put an ac in the room and get cool air to vent in tent
  3. no chance ov an ac big money restrictions right now
  4. I'd go with a 400w in a 1mx1m tent. This should put your temps right where you want them and 400w is more then enough for that size of tent. The coolest you can get your temps with fans is within a couple degrees of your source air temp and that is even hard to do. More common is about 10 degrees higher then your source air. If your pulling your air (intake) from a room that's 70 degrees, expect your grow room to be around 80.
  5. Turn one of your fans to pull the air out of your grow room/box instead of blowing in. :rolleyes:

  6. explain that exhaust fan dude.. do you have pics of it?

    i run a 1000w in a 4' x 4' tent and rarely get up to 85 degrees.

    the room tha my tent is in stays no higher than 75.
  7. #7 v1nc3, May 29, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2009
    have tryed upping pics but wont let me
    carbon filter fan cooltube then out of window other fan sucks air thru vent into growtent
    i even keep the windows open at all times during lights on at night
  8. #8 v1nc3, May 29, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2009
    1 fan is pulling hot air out ov growtent which then chucks the hot air thru a window other fan pulls fresh air from a vent in wall directly into growtent
  9. Dude I think your problemis deffiantly the temp of the air coming in. I beleive this because you said inlet air is coming from the wall vs. the room the tent is actually located in. I think this is a problem because you are pulling air from the wall which is not cooled like the rest of the house is. Remember fans don't cool air just move it. Also I'd reccomend fixing your fan where it pulls through everything instead of just the carbon filter like you curretly have it.
  10. #10 midgaar, May 29, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2009
    You shouldn't even need the fan blowing air in to the tent, just leave the flaps open at the bottom for a passive intake. Unless you need to pull air from somewhere else in the house or outside. You should have a fan+filter large enough to move a good amount of air, your fan should be rated for 400+cfm imo. The more air you have moving through the tent the closer the temps will be to your intake air temp. You temps will NEVER be lower then your intake air temps.

    Sounds like you have everything hooked up fine, what is the temp of the intake air? My tent used to be hooked up the same way minus the intake fan. The air in the room the tent was in was kept at about 75degrees (with a window a/c) and the temps inside the tent would be in the 78-82 range. The cooler I kept the room, the cooler the temps inside the tent would be. I run a 400w HPS, a 600w runs considerably warmer. I'd guess I would need to keep the room temp in the high 60s to maintain the same temps...
  11. I actually dropped 2 degrees by moving my fan from the end of the chain to in between the filter and light. This also reduced the smell I was getting due to leaks in the duct work. I'm guessing the change in temps had something to due with the amount of air the fan was able to suck through the filter once I attached it directly to the filter, but it could just as easily be from blowing air thought the light instead of sucking it.
  12. im using a 1m x1m x2m tent and 400 hps my temps never go above 85 try turning heating off in house as ambient tempersture is the key to everything, check the humidity if its undercontrol the temps wont make THAT much difference:smoking:
  13. anyone now why or how to fix upping pics as i get some security certificate message which makes makes it fail when uploading

    thanks every1 for replys and advice
  14. Oh OK. Well I tried then. I grow outside and do not have much experience with indoor grows other then one I got going on now. my indoor grow is not that technical though. Best of luck to you bro.

  15. thanks m8 and thanks for replying to my thread

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