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Growing With Hemp Seeds??

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by oeiich, Sep 22, 2007.

  1. I just got a bunch of hemp that is all seeds and leaves and not even smokable. I now have hundreds of seeds and was wondering if i grew them next season would I be able to harvest some buds that are smokable?

  2. No the plant used to make hemp does not produce shit for cannabanoids
  3. !!!Caution!!! This Thread is about to be hijacked!!

    Hey Oeiich-

    If you plant & grow hemp seeds you will get plants that produce HEMP!! (Go figure!!) If you want to grow Marijuana buds you have to plant Marijuana seeds! (It make sense right?) If you were trying to get high from smoking hemp you would have to smoke a joint the size of a telephone pole & even then you would most likely just get a headache! If you are thinking about growing MJ plants for tasty buds that get you high-- Go get yourself some good viable MJ seeds from one of the seed companies or save any seeds you find in the buds you buy and grow those seeds! (Though I have not seen a seed in a 1/4 bag of MJ that I have purchased in about 2 years!)

    So the buds that we are buying don't have many or any seeds..... Is this a good thing?? That depends.... If female MJ plants are kept from getting male pollen no seeds are formed. Most growers take great pains to kill the male plants and keep pollen away from the female plants to get the best possible buds without any seeds in those buds. The more generations of plants this happens to the weaker the strain becomes as a whole. Over a period of time a strain may stop having seed production all together. If that happens there might be strains of MJ that will disappear completely except for clones! If we only have clones there is no reproduction happening! NO REPRODUCTION = NO SEX! (We all like sex so we don't want that to happen - now do we??)

    On the other hand we don't want our buds full of seeds & less than tasty/quality smoke! So finding the balance between these two situations is where cross pollination & breeding of strains becomes as exciting a growing MJ plants for the buds!

    By the way - Seed production of quality MJ strains will make you way more $$$ that growing plants to sell the buds! - Look around on the websites that sell MJ seeds and check what the prices are for those seeds. (Between $4 and $15 per seed!) In a controlled environment with quality male pollen & quality female plants you can produce at least a hundred seeds per every 5 inches of cola/bud. Pollinate a full female plant that has lots of buds sites & you have thousands of seeds per plant. (As long as you have a market that wants to buy the seeds that you have produced & that you have away to distribute the seeds to your buyers - you could make 4 to 6 times more $$$ per plant!

    --- Here is the math ---

    A female plant that grows to full vegetative state and then produces buds…. Between 8 & 16 ounces of finished product per plant. (Maybe more Maybe a bit less but who knows??) Sell the ounces at the even the highest end of the market price --- And your final numbers would be between $2500 & $5000 per plant.
    Producing seeds -- As a low estimate I would say about 2200 seeds per plant. Multiply that times the retail price of seeds. ($4 to $15 per seed) This would give us between $8800 and $33000 of revenue per plant!! (And as a bonus - You still have bud that you can smoke after you pick the seeds out!)

    Just something to think about next time you are sitting around doing bong hits on the couch….

    Anyway --

    I must be really high/stoned to have run all that info thru my head and then typed it out for the outdoor growers of the world to read!!

    If you have thoughts or comments on the nonsense I just tried to explain I would love to hear it….

    Kisses -
  4. Honestly who is going to buy that many seeds off of "Joe Blow" that came out of no where?????

    anyway is it really hemp? or is it just some really seedy ass bud?

  5. Ya i'm almost 100% sure its hemp a friend of mine got a bunch of it from a feild he found. Do you know any uses for the hemp? Since the seeds are no good and its not good for smoking.
  6. Uh uses for hemp.... pretty much all of the uses are industrial. So um you them? or something?

    Toss them in public places....that could be funny, as long as you don't get arrested..

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