Growing Weed on FarmVille

Discussion in 'Television/Internet TV/VOD/DVD' started by 24788, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. Well maybe not growing it, but check this out if you have a few minutes. I made this entirely out of blocks on farmville. Tell me what you guys think even if it sucks.

    Took 2 hours to make

    The video (the making of the picture)
    [ame=]YouTube - Weed on farmville[/ame]

  2. well, you sure do have alot to do with your time.:rolleyes:
  3. Yea, I ran out of money and it's better then sitting around doing nothing sometimes.
  4. weed has 7 leaves not 5...js
  5. 7 - 9 depending on the plant. This is just a simple pot logo.
  6. EPIC! +rep defualt that shit!
  7. Grow your weed on farmville and sell it on mafia wars...:smoking:
  8. I suggest you two go take a look at some pics somewhere... you'll find a variety.. starting all the way from 1!

    genetics play a big role in how many leaflets it will have, plus.. the younger the plant.. the less leaflets as well.
  9. Aww ok, didn't know that. I've just always seen 7 - 9.
  10. Wouldnt that be cool ^_^
  11. haha niccee!!! thanks for sharing. maybe you could sell your weed to mafia wars eh? lol
  12. yeah usually is , but your first few leaves wont be on target until it gets a little more mature :p

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