1st off wanna start by sayin im new to this forum and will prob have some questions, ive read a few others guides/tips so i have a general knowledge of what it take to grow some plants.i started 4 plants 7/15 and only 3 made it so far. out of the 3, 2 seems to be doing well and the 3rd one has not grown since it sprouted other than 2 leaves(ill post a few pics) the other 2 are looking nice and healthy...i used MG as thats what i had on hand for soil and have them currently in a 3 gallon pots. per prev post ive seen plants dont need any nutes for the first few weeks im also watering them 4-5 days as needed.ive read to hold of on the nutes til their about 3-4 weeks and so far that tips has helped. but they are now 14 days old and seem to be developing right. any feed back/tips or critics are welcome. im doing this for fun and a learning experince something ive always to do but never had the time for. now my schedule allows me to do these things and would love to share with you guys/girls. now for the pixs... heres the small one that doesnt look to be growing what causes them to stay this small even tho other are growing continiously. . here are the other 2.
2 weeks olds, what you guys think? do they look healthy for being 2 weeks? (pix taken earlier today) this is the small one has not grown too much but did notice new leaves comming in. is this a sign there is still a chance it might grow like the other?? here are the other 2.
Miracle grow is not good for plants, and you need more perlite for your plants. Your 2 normal plants are looking good, the small one is tiny.
yeah i know ppl frown upon using MG but thats all i had and was just doin this for fun but my next "real" grow ill def wont be using MG man. and yes ill get some perlite to add to the mix. thanks for checking out this thread and i value your input FLjester. i went out this morning and the small one is growing 2 more leave so i think its just taking it time growing. the other 2 are looking good today. 8hrs+ of sun daily is what they get ill post progress pix in a few days.
If your soil is compacted, the roots can't push through and grow. The top grows after the roots grow is what I've been led to understand. Make sure the soil is aerated enough for the roots to grow definitely for the smallest one.
yeah i dont think the soil is compacted when i put them in, i loosened up the soil and made sure that didnt happen, the other 2 have been doing great, i put them all in at the same time im just now hoping that their females and not males. i was reading a book about growing and in a paragraph it stated that females grow slower than male plants so im thinking that might be whats going on but not sure if thats completly true.if the soil is compacted is there anything should do??maybe re transplant? thanks for input dawill1967.
**update** out of the 3 i had only 2 survived. so far one is showing lil white hairs so im happy with that one the other is still not showing weather its a female or male, but here is some pixs of my plants.
i try to keep them happy, if i love them they will love me back...GC is awesome lots to learn from ppl here.
Well done OP rep's a comin. For a first time grow started so late in a time release medium I totally didn't expect that 8/29 pic They look happy and healthy as can be...keep it up man, there's nothing like smoking something you've grown- swear I can feel some small bit of the love I've put into my toil coming through in the buzz.
thanks man, ive been treating them like a pet. i water them i feed them the only thing i cant do is take them out for a walk lol... ill post some new pixs soon, well as of yesterday 1 of them was a confirmed maie plant so its now removed. well im down to 1 plant but im more then happy to atleast have gotten 1 female.
Looking good ! your plants doing awesome! its sad but i know exactly what you guys mean. We all start growing weed so we don't have to pay for it, medical reasons, even if you just like the idea of growing. But once you baby your plants and harvest comes its such a sad time, its almost as if your pet died ! Guess we should have seen this coming ...
yeah its gonna be a bittersweet day once i start to cut her down. but on the other hand im tryng to get some clones started see how that goes for my 1st time.
my top cola...quick pic. decided to experiment a lil bit... a few days ago took a few cutting from my plant and put them in soil and used a 2liter coke bottle as a "dome" and it has kept them real humid and moist. no growth hormone or anything just wanted to see how they would react and as of today they are lookin real good im impressed. i know its late in the season but i just wanted to gain some knowledge and grow a few more.what u guys think??