Growing soil, and nutrients

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by deadbolt742, Nov 3, 2008.

  1. So I am just using regular potting soil for my plants and was going to change to Foxfarms soil was planning on getting the ocean forest one unless the other is better, Light warrior. I was thinking of getting the foxfarm 3 pack nutrient forumlas also which are the big bloom, tiger bloom and grow big but if I got all that would the nutrients burn the plant since I got the soil which already has a bunch of nutrients in it or would it help more?
  2. If they are seedlings they won't need outside food in the FFOF Soil for the first month or so. Then after that they will need food. Be carefull w/FFOF Soil and seedlings. Some strains will burn just with the soil alone from seed.
  3. So you think it would be better to just buy the nutrient formulas and stick with regular potting soil?
  4. FFOF last for about 17days or so. FFOF doesn't have alot of nutes in them.

    you would want to use 1/4 or less strenth when usinf FF nutirents anyways.

    Nothing wrong w/ reg potting soil. It's your choice.
  5. Well the potting soil I am using right now says it has hypnum peat, forest products or compost, sand, perlite and aged pine bark. So it has some nutes in it, but wont using those foxfarm nutes increase the yield more than just using the soil I have right now?
  6. #6 cantharis, Nov 3, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 3, 2008

    It has very little nutes in it. ´Forest products´ is just sawdust with charcoal to make it black.

    But as a base it is OK. To that I would add horse manure, loam, garden compost, sand, grit, wormcasts, eggshell or lime, perlite or volcanic rock. To add nutrition and help it drain. Good luck.
  7. Alright thanks a lot for the info.

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