Growing Questions

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by schwandoggler, Sep 24, 2010.

  1. 1) Does the dankness of the final product depend mostly on how well you care for it? or mostly on how good the seeds are in the first place?

    2) How do you get a bunch of shoots on the plant, rather than having all the buds at the top?


  2. check out the absolute beginners grow section. it has stickys for exactly what you need to know.
    the dankness your referring to is determined by a nummber of factors, indoor vs outdoor, cfl vs metal halide vs hps, the soil. dont get miracle grow, i got shit soil from kmart for about a buck for the 5 pound bag and mixed with vermeculite and perlite. just make sure u clean your shit and all before you do anything.

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