What's all the experienced growers thoughts and concerns with having a growing partner...? Is it worth it or does this only cause more conflict/whatever ???? This is how i see having a partner in crime: Benefits - Help in Moving materials, more eyes to see if theres danger. Disadvanage - Shared green 50 50, more people to expose anything. Thats my way of looking at it . The reason im saying this is cause im losing my grow buddy next year so I'm wondering if i should go that route again>?< Whats everyone else think?
<TABLE class=tborder cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=thead colSpan=2>Today 01:09 PM</TD></TR><TR title="Post 1023880" vAlign=top><TD class=alt1 align=middle width=125>Spanishfly</TD><TD class=alt2>You may be able to keep quiet, but can he?? Or her, even.</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> MC Fly, good point! ..... <TABLE class=tborder cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=thead colSpan=2>Today 01:09 PM</TD></TR><TR title="Post 1023881" vAlign=top><TD class=alt1 align=middle width=125>stew12</TD><TD class=alt2>NOO, no partner man. Many unexpected fights happen, do this solo</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> Stew, i heard ya ....already happened ..... almost got real messy too.... But the person would obivously be a person i could trust ...ie familly or someone in law enforcement (joking)
yah well it comes down to who the guy is and if it will work. use your buddy for all the work then raid the crop urself fro all the bud and blame it on someone else. sounds harsh but i mean there just plants, good growing experience for first time growers like him.
i don't encourage, it's really dickish, i don't do it but he was worrying about splitting it 50/50, the work load for 1 person is alot higher then 2 but it also depends on the amount grown. lose your finger? fisher, no thousand plant growops with mobsters.
thats pretty shitty man, gankin the herbs you and your boy grew. why would you want to do that man, i think having a grow partner is a really good idea, as long as its someone you're tight with. last summer me and my bud grew a decent crop and it was a good bonding experience i think
well i donno, it was just a comment, nothing more nothing less, i don't raid crops from my good friend that helped me grow, but if it's someone that doesn't know shit about growing, someone who didn't give a shit about receiving the few ounces of herb off the plant (to some extent), someone vulnerable and gullable, someone you just didn't want to be good friends with but can trust to grow with. if all those came together then i'd probably do it, or atleast raid half of it then split the remaining, then you'll get 3/4 yield.
what? you need to be a mobster to chop someones fingers off? thats what i plan to do to the guy who stole one of my plants. all 10 of them
no man im not saying you have to be a mobster to chop a finger, duh. but i am saying that a first time grower would kick, mabe scream, but in the end he'll be satisfied with that 1/4 amount yield.