Hey felllas, I just finished up my second indoor grow and am looking to move outdoors. My plan is to start some seeds indoors sometime soon, clone the females and let them veg for maybe a month, then throw them outside. The challenge here is that when I put them outside, I don't plan on coming back to them till around harvest time. I'm wondering what tactics might give the plants the best chance of survival. I will transition from indoor lighting to sunlight to minimize stress, and I will probably put a couple smart pots (with clones) near a bog to potentially provide them with water. Any other suggestions? This is mostly just an experiment to see if anything is there at the end of the summer when I get back into town, but I really want something to be there. Let me know what you think (minus the "watch for rippers" advice and such - it'll be on my own land etc).
The biggest threat will be deer, they love cannabis. If the location is remote enough to be safe from people then the deer will pick up the slack. If you can get them to jump up to 5+ feet tall you stand a chance of a good yield.
Swear I'm not following you around. Posting good stuff tonight. The location in relation to the water table is pretty important too. Finding a spot low enough so it never needs water, yet does not flood in the fall is harder than it sounds. But not impossible IME. Climate depending of course. Smart pots in a bog sounds alright, as long as the water level stays consistent. I would worry about mold a bit more in this kind of environment, but I've seen a few good swamp grows. Agreed with Snoop deer and humans are the main threats. Humans are the worst, at least a deer might see your plants and not eat them. Once human eyes see them, they tend to disappear. There are different issues depending on time of year IME. Spring to summer, slugs and snails are everywhere. Depending on your medium, animals can be known to dig up plants out of curiosity of new scents, usually with organics and very early after transplant. Getting them to a certain height is another great point. They have to out compete native foliage to have a decent chance of a decent yield. I spend more 'hands on' time with the sorounding foliage than my actual plants during my rare visits. I like the idea, the least number of visits I've had in a spot is 5. First to plant in May. Second a few weeks later to prune the weeds that camouflage the spot. Third was to check ripeness in late Sept. Fourth was the first round of harvest beginning of Oct, and Fifth and final time was to harvest the rest mid October. Good luck.
I always lose plants to mold if I leave them for most of the season. It also seems like cannabis plants are constantly under attack if not grown in an open field, which is too risky. If you can't get to 'em weekly, don't be disappointed if they die off.
I won't be disappointed if they die off, but I won't have a problem with deer. I'll be growing in an area they can't get to.When I transplant the clones to their final location (in ground), is there something I can do first to ward off slugs for the first couple weeks?Mold seems like it will be my biggest issue.
Slugs and snails can't go over eggshells so just save your eggshells up and crush them on the soil around the plant. I would tomato cage that hoe. That way if an animal gets some of it they win't be able to get all of it. Plus they help for branch support anyway.
might want to get autos if you have a lot of hunters in your state..that why i could never do gurilla growing because all the hunters come out in the fall
Autos are a smart idea. You could he smoking before the photoperiod plants even start flowering. Plus the ruderalis gene gives you a lot of hardiness and resistance to the rugged outdoors.
Thanks for the tip! I'll get a bunch of eggshells. Maybe make some egg bake for the friends I did autos my first grow and I'd like to try a bunch of clones this time. Mostly because seeds for a bunch of autos are expensive and I'm tight on funds right now. I have a bunch of photoperiod seeds from the tude still so I'll probably be using a few of those.
@[member="n0obgr0wer"] Sluggo is very effective as well. It's a bait that once ingested they no longer eat. Personally I sprinkle it outside of my spots. No use in baiting them inside. Safe to use as well. Copper wire works great as well, just make sure it's tarnished or you'll blow your cover. So I'm guessing your growing on an island, just make sure humans don't visit there.
Copper wire is something I haven't heard before. Would wrapping it around a pot work? I'll probably try everything together to give me the best protection from pests I can haha.