Hi everyone im new to grass city so if i have posted this in the wrong section i apologize. Anyway, so what im here to ask is, how can i grow pot? i have a seed that has sprouted, i cut a little coke bottle half way and put a bit of dirt in it temporarily. But i dojt have access to decent soil, buckets or plant food. I live in a location where there is rock about 4-6 inches under the dirt so digging for dirt isnt really an option. I also live on a farm so there is plenty of cow shit to be used for fert lol but im not sure if its wise? i lice a while away from town, so buying pots and soil ect is not really an option. And the weather flucuates quite a bit here and rains quite alot so outdoor growing isnt really an option eaither. So could anyone please help me ? what kind of mediums ex, dirt, soil, sand ec could i use to grow my plant in? Can any kind of container work as a pot? aslong as i put drainage holes in it? i was thinking of finding an old measuring jug or something similar from down the farm for a pot, and putting stones at the bottom of it, and mixing standard dirt and a bit of cow shit with it and just mixing other things such as a teaspoon of regular white sugar, a tad of salt, old apple cores and banana peels ect for fert as this all i can come across. Can you please suggest me other ideas or let me know if this will work?
Do you grow anything on the farm? Just use the dirt from there if it works for growing otherwise. It will probably do okay with just water. Definitely don't add salt to the dirt unless you mean Epsom salt and I wouldn't add a ton of that. If you can order things and get them shipped, I would find cheap ingredients like perlite, peat moss.. Etc.. If you read up on organic gardening by searching the forum, you'll find some good composting recipes. I wouldn't add fresh cow shit cuz its pretty strong fresh... If you compost some soil and apples and cow shit and other food scraps that would probably be cool. Takes a bit of time though before it can be used.
Start reading bud. Your grow is only gonna be as good as the amount of time you're willing to put into it. That means research too. There's a Lotta good information around here, bring wse this section and the indoor/outdoor/organics. There's even stikeys that include all the knowledge you would ever need!
Read, read, read. I read for 3-4 months before I started my grow. There are a lot of things you need to get your head around before going at it. I'm still learning. It's so awesome Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Lol. I love getting really stoned late at night and trying to help new growers. I was on one last night. Seriously though, I have been growing for a few years, and I still make it a point to browse around on here and read about other peoples grows. I've been spending a Lotta time in the organics section recently. Might have to give making my own soil a shot next grow!