Growing indoors without much equipment

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by i heart herb, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. Im looking for tips on how to start an indoor grow without all the fancy lights just the simple around the house stuff im not lookin much at quality of the bud just really atleast half a pound how many plants would that be?:smoke:

  2. lol do some research then come back to this thread and realize how impossible that sounds.

  3. typical noob...................
  4. #4 Newbiegrowr, Jan 31, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 31, 2011

    Ah comeon guys! We were all just thinking about growing once upon a time. The best we can do is guide him a bit. =)

    Well you just need soil, buckets, CFL lights (mini fluorescents/compact fluorescents... incredibly cheap), and water. Well, don't forget about either seeds or clones to grow!

    That will produce some amount of herb. If you don't want to splurge on things like HID lights and nutrients then you should not expect a huge amount of high quality herb to grow.

    You could consider an outdoor grow. Sunlight is arguably the best type of light your plants could receive.

    Just remember that you don't have to buy the expensive lights and nutrients. Even the inexpensive ones help A LOT. I currently only have a 150 watt HPS light (It cost me $80) and two 300 watt CFLs (300 watt CFLs cost about $15). The bottle of nutrients that got me through the vegitative stage (the part of the grow process where the plant grows most of the new leaves and segments) is fox farm grow big which cost $15. For the flowering stage (The part following the vegitative stage where the plant begins to first flower and produce herb) I have a bottle of fox farm beastie bloomz which cost another $25.

    Best way to think of it is the more care and attention you give your plants, the more they give you. What you give them doesn't always have to break the bank.
  5. Remember growing is like playing a musical instrument.
    Some people practice and learn how to jam.
    Others just poke at it and never learn......................good luck
    peace B

  6. And some people practice and practice and suck anyways
    Others just poke at it and become succesful growers......:smoke:

  7. FIXED :)

    As they are all saying you get out what you put in. Just like everything. Starting cheap and having a blah harvest is expected; but you will gain knowledge to use on your next grow which in my opinion is better than a first AMAZING grow. Start with what you can afford and browse the DIY and the beginner area for some help/tips to cut cost while having a healthy lady.

    Half pound on a first grow with no that much invested is going to very tough; but if you get a half ounce from your first grow you will be stoked.

    Stay stoned and grow green my friend!
  8. LOL what a joke

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