growing in coffee cans

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by doobydoo420, Feb 26, 2009.

  1. i need to transplant real bad. unfortunally i do not really have any money to spend so i thought i could just use coffee cans.

    i have the metal ones, i was just goingto drill holes in the bottom for drainage.

    my question is, will the metal affect the roots or anything, or should i be ok?

    if need be i have plastic ones as well, but they have handles on them so there would be more root volume in the metal ones:smoking:
  2. can you afford Gro Bags? A 2 gal grow bag shouldn't cost more then $.24/ea. If not I'd get some black garbage bags trippled them up and put them into the coffee cans.
  3. You plants should do just fine in the metal cans. Before the advent of plastics plant pots were generally made of metal. Not to mention, the FDA approved those cans to hold coffee for human consumption. Your plants should do just fine in them. My only concern is that they may even be a bit small still. My plants are in 5 gallon buckets.
  4. I don't think rusty coffee cans are very good pots :rolleyes: You should have bought the pots before germinating, but now the plastic cans would be your best bet, if you can't find bags

    rusty, who told you metal flower pots were used before plastic? I think you're forgetting about terra cotta and wood...
  5. congratulations on making noob mistake #1.

    dont start growing till you have everything, or this happens.

    MJ wont wait for you to finish buying your supplies
  6. Get grow bags very,very cheap,Whatcha gonna use for soil?That's gonna cost $
  7. If you really have to use the coffee cans you can, its better than seeing them get root locked until you find something bigger for them.
  8. well im root bound right now..... i was not planning on transplanting right now but i have a bunch of females and i need to act fast....ill jsut go to the dollar store and see what they have...... and as for soil im using fox farm ocean forest. which i already purchased a long time ago
  9. That is a better option than coffee cans. Go to the dollar store and pick up some 2 gallon buckets and drill some holes in the bottom/low sides. Another option though is to go here...

    Fairly cheap. Pots you will find at other places are way more expensive, so you may not have noticed that these exist...
  10. just went tot wal mrt and got some real pots for $4 each!
  11. get the bigger plastic coffee cans... those are best...

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