Growing Green Coriander in Tokyo?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Janine Smith, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. Hello,

    My son referred me to this site as a fantastic source of horticulture information. Does anyone have any information growing coriander in Tokyo? The supermarkets charge some obscene rate (more than 400 yen) for the smallest plant I have ever seen in my life; I am sure with your knowledge I could do it myself!
  2. This site is specifically about growing marijuana. Perhaps if you google "grow coriander" or something like that you can find a place with people better suited to answer your question.
  3. Why would you even ask something like that. This site is about Marijona and Marijona products.

    If you want to talk about Tea, join a forum about tea.
  4. Trolls,this is against GC rules.:mad:
  5. Why is my son visiting a website about growing Marijuana?!?!?!?!?

    Are you implying he is involved in illegal activity? That's libel!
  6. None of us said anything about your son. This site is what it is, draw your own conclusions.
  7. Thank you for bringing my attention to this situation. Moderators, please close this thread and close my account.
  8. I bet that guys son is gonna get a nice tall can of
  9. seriously, way to shame this guy's family, guy's son :mad:

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