growing by a school

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by blazey-daisy, Sep 18, 2009.

  1. im growing on this lake bank and behind it is a massive feild and about 800 feet or something is a school a high school . i heard there is a extra penilty if i get cought , because it's by a school is this true ?
  2. I don't believe penalties are the same in UK
  3. Growing near a school isn't the smartest of moves.

    And if your only just concerned about this now, it leads me to believe you have only just started the grow.

    And its wayyyyyy too late in the year to start growing.
  4. 1000 feet is the law
  5. they dont specifically say " you cant grow marijuana within blah blah feet of a school zone ", but I think hes still correct. Anything you do illegaly on school grounds the charge will prolly by times two because your committing such an act around a shit load of " young adults "
  6. #6 5150, Sep 18, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 18, 2009

    You are so wrong it's not even funny. The law clearly reads 1000 feet from a school.

    we all already know you cannot grow on school grounds.

    1000 feet is the standard in all states as far as I know.
  7. #7 l StayHigh l, Sep 18, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 18, 2009
    edit- i did say although think hes correct.... your a fucking douche kid go post somewhere else

    Well I thought they just had a code that said something about illegal acts and things " X amount of feet " within a school zone. Who would think someone would try and grow weed on the schools property anyways?

    Oh well I never said he was wrong, go ahead and BASH you FLAMERS! 90 percent of grasscity are people who sit back and wait for someone to say something wrong so they can be like, no YOUR COMPLETELY WRONG. go smoke somethin and get the stick out your ass. actually ill send you my stems grinded up to your broke ass and then youll be able to get a little buzz

    disrespecting other members is against the forum rules. please chill w/ that in the future.

  8. You so can't read it's not even funny, he's in the UNITED KINGDOM.

  9. read what, his location? Yeah I saw it, but hell if I wouldnt put that im from the UK if I was sketchy about cops on grasscity.
  10. HAHAHAHLOLOLOLOLOL go look as his grow journal and call him a kid. HAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAAHA GOOOF,
  11. Fines are doubled maybe
  12. Don't bother, you'll never get to smoke them.

    Extra penalties or not, growing that close to a high school you are just begging for your plants to get stolen.
  13. Growing weed in an area where high school kids would go to smoke doesn't sound like a good idea......
  14. I am cunfused for you last two post you said.
    they dont specifically say " you cant grow marijuana within blah blah feet of a school zone ",

    Well I thought they just had a code that said something about illegal acts and things " X amount of feet " within a school zone.
    So which one is it? You think this then you think that? LOL

  15. Did you read my post?

    1000 feet is the standard in all states as far as I know.

    I did not say.

    1000 feet is the standard world wide as far as I know.
  16. im talking about doing this next year and there is no way in you have to walk a mile across the river bank and it's mostly high tide and muddy, i was thinking of growing up a tree somewhere
  17. Whenever you grow illegally the main point is to not be located. That being said, if you accomplish your main goal of not being located, it doesn't matter WHERE you grow, whether it be 1000 ft from a high school, or in your college dorm room. But when I was in high school we would fuck around in the woods behind it and would have found anything planted there.

    In a tree gives me a GREAT idea for next year, holy shit I cant believe I haven't thought of this, that is the best idea ever, thank you.
  18. lol no problem , it has been done though alot of people grow in trees,
    just make sure it's not to hard to get up, but not to hard to get down. :)
  19. i dont go to the school so it's a little bit safer

  20. To the OP most of us are in US and not familiar on English law. However in the United States there is actually a charge posession within 1,000 feet of a school zone. There will be no "prolly by two times" charge there will be as it is a LAW. Next time someone takes the time to post a link please at least read it before embarassing yourself and bringing down a thread. Although I admit breaking out the term KID made me laugh my ass off. Check urself.

    OP best of luck hope you can find a better spot. Piece of advice cops take what goes on around a school PERSONALLY around the world and will go above and beyond when adult things are around children. My personal advice from thousands of mile away...find another spot just like it.

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