Growing Bud

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by MB1445, Dec 21, 2007.

  1. Ok its been about 20 days of 12/12 and I see the female pistles and the branches are kind of white with hair, But whent the heck am I going to see actual bud growing????? its been 20 days shouldnt I have seen somthing??
  2. your seeing them now mate;)
    usuall to wait till into 2nd 3rd week before pre-flowers show but you will see a quite rapid bud explosion now ,then they'll slow down & last 2 weeks put on more weight.

  3. ya, start counting your flower cycle now from when you first saw pistils. those are first signs of actual bud, the buds will follow up top and will look like alot of white pistils, not so much of th ebuds you are used to seeing in baggies.
  4. ahh nice :) thanks alot haha i didnt know that. Ausome, now im excited haha thanks.
  5. Hmmm I was thinking.. does any one think it will harm the plant if I take a clone from it???? I really want to take a clone but Im not sure if I should do it.

    I want to take one because I dont want to start alllll the way back from seed, that takes forever.

    what do u guys think?
  6. I think it takes about the same amount of time to clone as it does to grow from seed.

    The advantage of cloning is that you know exactly what you're going to get.
  7. yes you can take a clone rigth now, ppl have taken clones in flower before. its safe you just dont wanna wait till way late into flowering.

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