Growing at home - Help??

Discussion in 'Micro Grows' started by KingSkingle, Jul 12, 2017.


Should I grow in my house?

  1. Yes

    1 vote(s)
  2. No

    3 vote(s)
  3. No, Grow Outside

    1 vote(s)
  1. #1 KingSkingle, Jul 12, 2017
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2017
    Hey guys, I've been looking into growing grade for a long time now. I'm 18 and still living with my parents, grade is becoming madly expensive (I smoke at least 2-3g a day) and I can't keep up with the amount smoking is costing me so my only other option is to cultivate. I'd only want to cultivate for myself and my brother (who's also 18) however I don't know how my parents would feel about it, I know my dad used to grow in college and my parents still smoke. I just don't think the risk/reward is there for me using a speaker grow box as I'd only harvest around 0.5-1.5 oz every 3-5 months and it's very expensive, whilst building my own would be cheaper I feel as if I don't have access to the tools needed and that I would probably do a poor job, I'm in full time education and I only have a part time job as a lifeguard so I don't have all the money in the world spare.There is also the fact that I wouldn't want to steal money from my parents (Electricity bill) and that growing in someone else's house without them even knowing is a really shitty thing to do :// I'm also tired of waiting hours for dealers to arrive, only to have bad grade or shoddy bits. I live in a rural countryside area so there is the possibility of growing outside but I wouldn't want to as the final product may be slightly lower grade as I wouldn't be giving it neuts or anything, there is the chance it might get stolen, and I would love to be able to grow bud in the comfort of my own home.I appreciate any advise you have to give, because I'm all out of ideas...Thanks :)
  2. Lower grade due to it being grown outside? Your on drugs dude.

    Soil has better flavour to start with. The sun is far more powerful than any light you can buy. Rest is genitics, grower skill and some luck,
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  3. Sounds like you need to wait until you move out to start growing, not sure why you think you'll pull an oz your first time. Unless your parents are ok with it I don't see any other reason to try it. Also, 2-3G a day is a lot. Since your not in a legal state I'm guessing it's full price? You should take a break from smoking and make save some money. Btw nothing beats the sun, outdoor is usually poorly trimmed by the grower which is why I think it's gets its bad rep or that indoor is somehow better.
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  4. Don't get me wrong dude, growing outside your house is great because you can still give the plant neuts but if I were growing outside, the spot is about a 40 mins walk there and back. I'd probably have to plant them, check up on them a couple times, then harvest, All I'm saying is they would get less care if grown outside in my situation mate
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  5. You have no idea what it takes to grow weed and would be better of not attempting... all you will be doing is jeopardizing you and your families home over what will surely be shitty weed unless you plan on using your parents CC to buy proper seeds, lights, grow set up in general... and that .5-1.5oz is realistically 0.5-1oz every 4-5 months wishful thinking on the 2-3...

    How do you plan on making the grow area light proof during 12/12 so they can flower? Even a small grow needs some ducting and fans to be done halfway correctly...

    Robs New Journal RQS SQ#1 Clones
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  6. I don't think I'll pull an oz first time mate, I was just doing some research and that is what I've heard to be possible with some experience. But yeah, that's my problem, buying full price is honestly killing me but I've been smoking daily for about 3-4 years now and my tolerance is through the roof, grams to myself don't touch me anymore which is really peak, I mean I'm in need of a t break but I don't know if it's really the issue
  7. You need to not smoke as much. Don't grow at your parents.

    Sent from my 2PQ93 using Tapatalk
  8. #8 KingSkingle, Jul 12, 2017
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2017
    Nice queen clone dude, well I mean any light proofing issues are a problem really, not only during 12/12 but I was going to use reflective insulation and black plastic lining on the flipside. Ducting would be needed, so realistically it might not be a great idea :/
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  9. I just think its an unrealistic idea in general, also black isn't what you want to use, you'll want be using a white reflective surface or Mylar

    Sent from my 2PQ93 using Tapatalk
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  11. You said that your parents smoke. You're 18 and an adult. Have an adult conversation with them and see if they would be opposed to the idea. I'm sure they wouldn't mind saving some money on bud. It doesn't hurt to ask. Do your research and have all the facts and figures before you approach them. If they say no, oh well, go guerilla style outdoors. I have a couple plants that I planted and can only get out to see them once every other week. I'm there for about 30 seconds and bolt. I just made planted them in an area that get 8+ direct hrs of sun, dug holes and planted them in about 10 gal of super rich organic soil. And let mother nature provide the water when it rains. So far every trip for the last 6 weeks has been a waste of time. They are doing great. Unless I have a long hot spell, with no rain, I won't even think about watering them. Good luck
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  12. #12 Lucky Luke, Jul 12, 2017
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2017
    If your not prepared to get off your fat arse and go to and from your plot once or twice a week over the growing season for a few pounds or more then you lack the motivation to grow (in or out)- period.

    Growing inside is expensive. Even on a small closet grow it adds up fast- if done properly.

    Last season i had a 20 min drive and an uphill 40 min walk in..and 30 min downhill walk back and a 20 min drive. But sounds like your a city slicker and may get lost. May not be the best idea- just buy in bulk and try to save cash that way.
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  13. OP you just need to wait a few years... once you are situated with your own place you could safely do indoor grows and never buy weed again but trying to grow inside your parents house it'll never be successful in my opinion.. especially trying to do a stealth grow to hide it from them... if you are really interested in growing spend the time left at your parents studying researching and watching grow journals to see how people deal with specific problems first hand etc... then by the time you have your own place you can buy you a proper tent some proper lights and everything else you'd need and rock and roll... after watching grow journals for a few years and reading everything you can it'll put you at an extreme advantage over someone who just starts growing in a small box gets crappy results and gives up entirely on growing instead of learning first.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. Thanks for the advice guys, I'm going to do some research and have a conversation with my parents about it. If that goes a bit tits up ( which I have a feeling it might) then I'd be interested in guerilla growing, I mean I live next to a bunch of forests so I'm at a bit of an advantage I think. If you have any advice on the guerilla ops then I'd like to hear it :)
  15. Good luck with the talk. My mum let me do a small grow. I had to pay the electricity bill. win/win.

    Guerrilla growing done properly is hard work. Lots of threads on the net. Start preparing the plot over winter. Make sure you get fast finishing female seeds. Have a water plan- they drink heaps in flower and the more water the bigger the buds.
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  16. Ahh right thanks mate, I have a grow shop near my house so i'll probably get supplies from there because ordering to the house is a bit bait, thanks for the support
  17. You're supposedly 18 and you've been smoking daily for 3 or 4 years

    take a break jfc

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