Can anyone tell me how long do I need to wait (is it usually a couple days) for the plant/stem to grow out of the soil. I'm a bit concerned cause I didn't wait until the seed was fully germinated outside of the soil. I just noticed after about 24 hours of keeping the seed soaked between two paper towels that there was a tiny slit in the corner of the seed. So then I decided to just plant the the seed into the soil medium about 1/2 inch to an inch deep. I watered the soil and I have the lamps pretty damn close to the soil. Am I on the right track or am I doing something wrong because it's been about 2 days or so and the plant stem has not come out of the soil. Can someone please advise? Thanks. Using an Indoor Grow Box, using 4 -6700k bulbs using miracle grows organic potting soil using bottled water
some pictures and additional info:
It may take awhile if you planted the seed deep. I've had seeds pop in a day, I've had them take almost a week. I would suggest putting some plastic wrap over the top of your container to hold the moisture in until the plant sprouts. It's a thin line during the seedling stage between keeping the soil moist enough to germ and overwatering.
Okay, i'll put a plastic covering over the container...but what about the lights, do these need to be close to the soil or does it really matter? Also, do i need to keep the lights and fan on for 24 hours?
i was curious so I just picked through the soil with my fingers at the location where I implanted the seed, and low and behold I saw that the seed had sprouted and a white round head and a tail (roots_) were there. So i guess it is growing correctly?
lights should be off until the seedling breaks ground. also you shouldn't have watered after putting the seed in the soil. should have watered soil beforehand and covered with plastic wrap. sounds like shes growin though, just a little slower than she would have. good luck!
How much should I water the seedling and soil? As of right now, I have been watering with a full water bottle (one per day) evenly dispersed on the soil. The container also has about eight little holes on the bottom for excess water to drain out and the bottom and sided of the container medium is wrapped with aluminum foil. The water I use is the water I drink from the fridge. Can anyone tell me if this is okay : amounts of watering and type of water. I also covered the container with a plastic bag to keep the moisture in and I also turned off the lights since the plant has not broken ground yet. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks.
you sound like you need help so here it is. i germed 2 seeds like you i planted 1 with a slit half inch deep 2 days ago. it has just broken ground now. i didnt keep lights on first night second night i did. you dont want it to break ground without the lights on=death. not always tho. just water with purified water of bottled water. tap waters ok if you let is sit for 2 days to evaporate chlorine. just use a mister to mist the soil about 3 inches deep. then cut a plastic waterbottle and put the bottom 3 inches over the soil to create a sort of dome for humidity. once it breaks ground leave lights on for 24hours. thats just me but it works for me. hope i helped and goodluck hope its a girlie.