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Growers input

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by PlantSomeTrees, Jan 26, 2011.

  1. I was wondering how much light is too much? Whats the most watts I can use without looking sketchy to the electric company?
  2. You're only going to look sketchy to the electric company if LEOs want you to look sketchy. Reading one's electricity meter and determinign whether or not they're growing inside their house is not a science. In fact, if you use "too little" electricity, LEOs will just say your clearly stealing electricity to grow, if you use "too much" they'll say you're growing. You will really only get into shit if they're already watching you.
  3. As long as you pay your electric bill on time every month, have odor under control and dont draw ANY attention to yourself and dont tell anybody they wont have a reason to suspect you..
    I know people running over 7 1000w's and they pay their bills on time..
    It also depends on the size of the house, bigger house, the higher they expect the electric bill to be.
  4. Thanks a lot Visa greatly appreciated. Ty Bratton also.

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