Grow update.

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by Shifte83, Aug 3, 2017.

  1. IMG_0158.JPG IMG_0160.JPG Hi guys,

    Well finally got some CALMAGic added her in last night and plants seems to be LOVING IT so many rusty orange spots but that's my own fault for not adding it sooner.. I think (both now) but more the big one are looking good!

    Thoughts ? :)
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  2. Hellyeah that looks great what size pot are you using
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  3. Thanks man not sure of the pot size thy were thee things called o2 pots have the resivoir and air pump inside them I'd say there are around 15 litre... not sure how many gallons that is ! :)
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  4. Cool where did you grab em I might be interested in trying them out
  5. Think this guy at the shop made them him self and ripped me off @ $65 each when I could make one for like $30 I recon... just get a net pot dangling in another pot drill a while mid way down for air stone tube get some clay balls (can't remember propper name) and that's it.. I'll find the link and I'm in Australia bro.
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  6. Yeah I think I seen something similar but not in stores definitely seems over priced
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