Organic Treatment for Blossom End Rot Spraying (misting) your plants with milk is reportedly a good totally organic cure for blossom end rot. Apparently its the calcium in the milk that does the trick. If you are growing in soil you can pour the milk directly on the ground around the plants instead of spraying the plants.
thats gonna stink.. you can get calcium stuff at hydro stores or bonemeal I think. I don't do soil, so I dont know
I have currently been using milk, every other feeding. What you do is pour a fourth of a cup of milk into the water you are using to feed your plants if your growing in soil. If your growing hyrdoponically than Spraying (misting) your plants with milk is reportedly a good totally organic cure for blossom end rot. This method does not stink at all wich i thought it would. This stopped the bottom growth of leave sets from turning yellow wich they have been. Also calcium is good for plants. People that dont wanna bother going up to a Hydro store if there is one around you milk is a cheaper solution and works practically the same. GooD LucK!
If you are looking for a cheap way to add calcium to your organic soil grow, why not just use eggshells. Just rinse, dry and crush the shells to a fine dust and sprinkle on top of the soil. I use it all the time for my vegetable garden, and I am using it on my first grow too. Perfect, natural, time-released calcium! Peace and Love