What light setup would you use if you had 2 plants growing in this tent? Not looking to shell out a whole bunch of money either Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
A 250w hid setup makes 50w per square foot. You should do fine with that, but you're gonna need an inline fan unit as well to cool her down. I run a 400w in the same tent.
Thanks for the help. Yeah I have the fans and carbon filter already just needed an idea of what lights to run! Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
Usually 2-3 that I scrog to make a nice even canopy. Right now I have seven, since I just went to Colorado and bought a buncha different strain seeds. Lol.
Not too much. I've got a pretty big inline fan and a cool tube to boot, so that helps a lot. In the summers I'll usually run her at 200-300w (dimmable ballast), since, being in new mexico and all, it can get really hot. Once winter rolls around though, I crank her to 400 and it stays around 65-75 degrees i vent into the attic and intake from outside I also just got a new a/c unit for my apartment, I'm sure that'll help a lot over the summer. Honestly, I should a gotten a bigger tent though, considering all the extra equipment and money I had to drop to make it work.
[quote name="pikkerc" post="20743389" timestamp="1412882099"] Damn man. What's the yield per plant on that? I'll get anywhere from 5-6.5 oz per. Depending on the strain. I've got some strawberry cough/chemdog that I'm really hoping will push me past the 7oz mark... That's my main goal.
I'm just really limited by size. Then again, I don't really need a lot of flower to keep my happy. An O a month and I'm a happy camper.
400 watt and good ventilation and it will be good. Id get a 4 x 4 tent and put a 600 or a 1,000 in it. You would get a fat harvest. Put two of these in your tent and 1/2 pound is easy. http://www.ebay.com/itm/6-SITE-HYDROPONIC-GROW-BOX-SYSTEM-KIT-5-GALLON-COMPLETE-W-NUTRIENTS-pH-TEST-/161432121377?pt=US_Hydroponics&hash=item25961ab021