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grow pics and pick up pics 100 pics and counting

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by stonerobot, Oct 6, 2010.

  1. #1 stonerobot, Oct 6, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 6, 2010
    So the pics in this thread are of my first grow a mini one, and some pick ups from the past year. Im lazy so I kinda missed a lot of good pick up pics lol but o well i smoked um and they tasted so go so on to the pics:smoke: all pics are NUG so I'm going to post some of them and you can view others in my album


    this is what i grew
    [​IMG] Pics/FxCam_1265992832137.jpg[​IMG]

    my high time photo lol
    think this might be some WW i got




    so heres my album also if u want to see more
  2. Nice plants/nugs. What was the total time/yield on that grow?

  3. about 13 grams it wasnt to big

  4. I'm assuming you did SoG, so how long was the time? I'm guessing like 9 weeks?

  5. nah man i kinda just planted one nug seed i found and got lucky it was a female. it was about 3 to 4 months i think not really sure kinda forgot it was a while ago

  6. BTW that cat in the hat smoking tight man. i got a picture of him in my room hahaha thats tight
  7. sweet ass pics man. nothing better then smoking the shit you grew! +rep sb laces :cool:

  8. Haha yea, thanks man. I'm trying to get poster size, might have one of the Art Drawing majors here draw me up something for my wall.
  9. That wasn't 100 pics?

  10. thanks man and all i wear are sbs

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