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Grow Op Troubles

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by DropAcid_Not_Bombs, Oct 17, 2014.

  1. About 4 weeks ago me and my girlfriend started an op together. It's just one plant since it's our first time.
    We tried once in the past but the closet we were growing in got way to hot and our seedling died :( but anyways. Our new plant is doing much better but is not doing totally perfect. I have a few problems I need help fixing and I'm just overwhelmed with all the mixed answers on the internet. Right now the plant is on a small cfl lamp but I plan on switching to a 150 watt hps light very soon. The problem is we are growing in the closet (our only option) and last time I switched to the hps it got much too hot in the closet and that's how my last plant died. Any clue on how to keep it at a decent temp? Me and my girl still live at home w/ parents so we can't make holes in the wall or anything like that for ventilation. But what I do have is a bin that has a hole cut in the side and a vent attached to it with a fan on the other end of the vent to suck air out. But that's not much help if the entire closet is getting hot. Also there there is yellowing around the edge of the leaves. The newest problem that has arose is that the plant has gotten to big for the dome I was using to keep humidity. Every so often I would spray the inside of the dome. But since I can't do that anymore I've just been spraying the plant from a distance, the sprayer I have is very good, like a mist. But that doesn't seem to work because the leaves seem drier than they should be, and on some leaves there is some brown on the very tips like the leafs are dying or something. Also there is little white bumps near the base of the stem and I'm not sure if that is normal.

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  2. It sounds like your dreams are a little too big for your reality. Move that sucker out of the closet, get some decent ventilation and do some research.

    Your grow is only going to be as good as your interest in it. I'd suggest waiting to grow an illegal plant until you don't have to hide it from your parents.
  3. you can go small and hide them if thats what you need to do, use cfls but not really worth it.
    you choose, nothing without knowledge.
  4. #4 DropAcid_Not_Bombs, Oct 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 18, 2014
    Well I don't think you can ever dream too big! I had seeds and money to invest so I thought why not. We don't have to hide it as much since her parents are stoners as well but we try to keep it from them just incase, her sister in the past has tried to grow and got yelled at so we are keeping it to ourselves. I've invested a lot of time and effort into learning the cultivation of cannabis but like any first grow, there's still a lot to learn. No one jumps right into the game with perfect yields without making mistakes first. The point is I'm trying to diagnose what the possible problems are w/ my plant (the discoloration) so I can learn for future grows. The best way to learn is experience and collaboration. And I thought I would look to see if any of you guys had any ideas on how to keep the closet cool and what the possible discoloration could be a sign of so I can adjust things and make the environment as best for the plant as I can in the situation I'm in. I've heard of frozen jugs of water in front of air movement can help cool things down but in not entirely sure how long that lasts or how well it work.
  5. Wouldn't ventilation be necessary if you need to hide it from her parents? I mean, without my carbon filter my house would reek. Not that I mind the smell but it seems that would be a dead give away. 
  6. Ventilation is absolutely necessary. With any grow op you wanna keep hidden.

    And adding a 150hps light to the mix will only add to your temperature problems.

    ^^^this. Exactly this.

    Also, I'm curious, if you know her parents aren't gonna be OK with it, why do it? I mean... They're letting you live there.

    Your risk/reward ratio is very low...
  7. ^I'd listen to this guy. They don't call him the Mayor for nothing. 
  8. I don't think hiding it from her parents is much of a problem w/ us, but since it's their house we can't cut holes in the wall and more extreme stuff like that. Like I said her parents are stoners so either way the house/her room always reeks. If we really wanted to we could probably even get their approval of growing it in the closet but like I said we still can't do the more permanent things like drilling and cutting holes in the wall. Does anyone know if there enough air movement in the closet and the door is cracked with a well ventilated room would that be enough to keep a decently sized closet cool enough? I mean it only is a 150 hps. I just wanna be sure I can keep it cool when I switch light because I don't want my baby overheating and withering up. If anyone needs to see some pics of the op, plant or closet just leme know.

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  9. I'd snag permission first since it would be the respectful thing to do (just what I would do and like to be done if I was in their situation). Might as well post the pics of the closet if you are dead set on using that. Someone might have a suggestion after they see the set up.  If you have some room in your room you could always snag a small cheap grow tent that is already set up for ventilation. 
  10. ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1413597612.231433.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1413597628.972483.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1413597652.017860.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1413597674.908089.jpg ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1413597693.135628.jpg
    Not too long ago I added some molasses to my organic compost soil and the yellowing went away but the leaves are still kinda dry feeling and there's still brown on some of the tips and sides. I also figured out how to get a different dome on there to help with humidity. I spray the dome and exhale into it to give the plant some co2, I do that a few times a day. I water it when the soil start to get dry then I soak it nice and good (not too much though). I would say I water it it about every 2-3 days or so. I try to keep the tempt around 70-75. The light is apox 3 inches from the vented dome and the top of the dome is around 6 inches from the tallest part of the plant. It seems to be growing good but I want to know if I can improve on anything. When I switch lights I'm guna take the lid off and possibly move the bottom bin off the ground a bit with some bricks so it's closer to the light. I think I'm guna try the frozen water jug as well as putting both fans on high and keeping the closet cracked. ImageUploadedByGrasscity Forum1413598337.085057.jpg

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  11. I haven't gotten around to it yet but I'm also guna put reflectors in the top bin like I did with the bottom one

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  12. I also trimmed some of the really damaged leaves so it can concentrate on the good ones

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  13. And I'm thinking about ordering some more venting and hooking it up to the second fan and the top bin

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  14. Is the light being hung inside that Rubbermaid container?
  15. #15 DropAcid_Not_Bombs, Oct 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 18, 2014
    Yea there are hooks that go through the bin and they are attached to the light. The light is vented and like I said I'm probably going to have a secondary vent to suck the hot air away. I'm also guna make some bigger holes at the top of the top bin so a little heat can rise out as well. I'm just more worried about the overall temperature of the closet. I know this setup would work probably work good out in an open room but I really don't think that's a possibility.

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  16. I ran the light for 24 hours (not on the plant) with nothing for venting or anything and the plastic didn't get too hot or melt or anything like that which is good. Also, when do you guys think I should switch that plant over to the hps light?

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    Theres a lot of growers who use rubbermaid containers.  Like me!
    @Op, nice lil setup broo
  18. Thanks man. I definitely put a lot of time and effort into it. It still needs a little work but I think it's coming along pretty good.

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  19. That's an idea I might be able to use. I have some plants that are flowering in a tent. I've started some new plants in my closet to get them a head start for when the tent is available so I was thinking of doing a project tomorrow so I can get my closet back. I was just eye balling my dresser but its a fairly nice dresser to be chopping up. The tent I have stashed away. This will be in a room that isn't used much except for storage but i still want to keep the appearance that its just a room. So trying to think of all my options. There's already a several Rubbermaid containers in there so it wouldn't stick out. Nobody goes in there except me but might as well try and blend it in
  20. Yea that could definitely work. Like that other guy said, a lot of growers use Rubbermaid bins. Just remember that they will probably be glowing because they aren't thick enough to completely block out light, unless you cover the inside with something like foil (thats what I did) and it works well at reflecting the light too.

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