Grow music for plants

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Saint Duck, Oct 15, 2023.

  1. I did a search here and the only Music threads for growing are like 12 years old so I started this new one. So far I have 5 successful grows under my belt. 2 with a bluetooth speaker in the tent playing music, and 3 without. It might be my imagination but the gals actually seemed to like it. I did get slightly bigger yields, but that could have been anything, genetics, soil, conditions, etc. Not enough to conclusively say. Mythbusters did an episode about it and they found that classical music got the best results, and heavy metal got the worst results. I played mostly classical but mixed some reggae in occasionally. This time I have "Fallout Radio" playing for them. A youtube channel that mimics the radio stations in the Fallout game series. Mostly old songs, 30's-50's type music, some rockabilly. And a DJ talking about things that happen in the games. Does anybody else play background music for their gals? Just curious.
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  2. Back in the day I played Mozart I may have mentioned that on here years back,
    most the time during the winter, I mixed in some jungle sounds from you tube, that was hard to define but I got some small results from Mozart ...and yeah I hate the guy
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  3. Interesting, never heard of that. Might have to get some copper and try it. Cheap enough experiment to try. I also bought 4 ring magnets to put around the main stem because I saw a vid that claimed that magnetism also helps plants grow. But I forgot to put them on as seedlings and now the plants are too big to do it. Maybe next time.
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  4. I play a porn loop for them........they seem to like it..........especially the hermies. ;)
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  5. Some studies have shown that plants respond more to the female voice than the male voice......I tell the wife to talk to the plants, just in case.
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  6. Wow music in the grow room. I cant wait to hear from an expert on this topic.
    Damn i made a post somewhere about 10 years ago . Lot of debate . I decided with all the fans running it made no difference in my rooms. Its nice to listen to though .
  7. you are KILLING ME!
  8. that idea has been debunked.
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  9. probably. I saw a video afterwards where the guy stabs the copper in the stalk and he said his plants did worse.
  10. In Germany, B. Ashra's Music for Growing was made specifically for nurturing hemp plants by using what he calls THC's "molecular frequency" of 10.77 Hz.
    Theirs a women in the US who in the 1950s made a good study became famous but is now hard to find?
    indeed most my studies back in the day were 1 tray of seedlings in heat light and music the other tray heat and light, a noticeable 15-20% were seen between the two
    As said before on GC, I wonder why, as theirs thousands of gardening students out their,
    but some just can't get them to do a correct lab study
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  11. I went through a phase when I would stab through the trunk of my plant the last half of flower. The idea was that the stress it caused would force the plant to go into hyper flower formation because the trauma created plant hormones signaling that the end is near. In an effort to survive it would go into a super duper flower development. Ok, OK did it work? Well, I havent done it for many years so..........that should answer the question.
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  12. wounding does help the plant develop more trichomes, but this is something that should be done throughout the grow. I recommend looking up jasmonate pathway in plants (not just cannabis) where we see trichome increase to ~60% more, but there's a cost to doing that, namely, the bulk.
  13. I remember hearing about stressing your plants the last week before you harvest by almost starving them of water, just giving them enough to perk them back up when they wilt. Supposedly it increases trichome production that final week but I don't know how much it really works.

    But I always thought yeah but if trichomes increase that final week, wouldn't they just be fresh clear trichomes? Without having a chance to mature or turn cloudy/amber. That's just my thought haha.

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  14. #15 bryan oconner, Oct 16, 2023
    Last edited: Oct 17, 2023
    my guess to many variables
    One room music will bounce back. A different room music will be louder . Another room louder fans .
    Only way to test is with two different grow tents . One of us will have to do a plant A and Plant B . test to prove it . I think it makes a difference for sure . Plants will respond to music. Actually the vibration from the music to make bigger buds . My old situation with huge fans cranking your cant hear yourself think .
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  15. One reason I'm doing it again is that it's basically free for me. Except for whatever trickle of electricity it takes to keep a bluetooth speaker and an ipad plugged in. The speaker was just sitting there collecting dust, and I upgraded my ancient Ipad this past summer, so that was sitting there collecting dust also. Pick your music source and forget about it. I'm not claiming any massive increase in quality or quantity. For me it's just another variable that I can control, like temp, humidity, water ph, etc. And as far as I can tell it doesn't do any harm to them.
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  16. agreed.
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  17. good thinking imho
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  18. I used an old mp3 player plugged to my old sony walk-man speakers from the 1980s, cheap or dirt cheap lol
    Like Bryan above, the fans in my place were too loud, so used the seedling cabinet
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