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Grow box issue

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by spleee254, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. Ok so im going to make my frist grow box from a large stero speaker cab and its the right size and all but my issue is it will not be in my house.... i have a barn kind of thing that is finished in the upstairs and its were i smoke and hang out with friends and stuff... well the whole idea of growing out there is great and fine and wont be an issue.... well there is one its cold out this time of year and the barn does not stay heated and well while the weed would be nice and warm with the lights on it would probably die with the lights off it gets below freezeing at night and just above or right at during the day and i mean i do have heaters in the barn but i cant keep them on 24/7 so how can i keep my little plant warm when i grow it and yes i know about auto flowers that can have 24/7 sunlight but i dotn really have the ability to buy seeds of that kind:confused:
  2. Try putting a little space heater up there, one that plugs into an outlet. If its anything under 50 degrees its going to have a hard time developing. Try to keep it room temp up there. Might cost you some energy though.
  3. I wouldn't recommended trying it outside in a barn, try your closet, if it's what it seem it sounds to be like a stealth grow so no one would know
  4. what if i have the heater next to like a hole in the bottom or something tolet the heat in the bos would that work? and of course make sure theres no fire hazard... the heaater would obnly need to be on while the lights arnt so yeah
  5. Well if you have fans ventilating the box then the heater should be placed a couple feet from where the intake fan is. Go to home depot or something and pick up an outlet timer. Set the timer to a couple of minutes before the lights go out, and have it shut off a couple of minutes after the lights are back on.
  6. There's a whole indoor/outdoor grow sub forum, try asking there.
  7. that sounds grand man thanks just gotta make sure it says warm enough :)

  8. Yeah. Good luck. Post some pics in the grow forum after you get everything set up. I'm curious to see how it's going.

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