Does any one have any experience with grove bags. Or point me towards a post on here that covers the use of them and if there worth it?
Thanks bud. But i like to hear peoples personal opinions on here and have a conversation about it. Not just the pumped up YouTube version.
I use em. They work well, but are not foolproof. Here’s what I have seen: Bud should be dried properly. These won’t eliminate the need for that. Don’t over fill the bags, we limit them to 2/3 full for the one pound size bags. I still “ fluff “ the product inside the bags weekly. Even half full, a one pound bag can hold enough product to cause it to settle onto itself and not breathe well. Especially the mega sticky icky. Don’t store the bags in a low humidity environment, it will cause the moisture in the bag to wick out. All in all, I like them. They replace the big jars with less maintenance.
This will be my first year trying them. I'll follow @JMcGD's advice for packaging and storing. You can get free shipping when you sign up for their mailing list. There are big cultivation centers that use them too.
I’m trying them for the first time this year but from what I’ve heard you definitely want to dry them right and throw a hygrometer in there so I’m def going with the windowed ones so I can keep an eye on the humidity. I saw a video where a dude dried them “good enough” and assumed the excess would breath out and he opened them and they were just giant mold clumps