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grinders on dank

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Kingbuddha69, Sep 30, 2010.

  1. i was told once upon a time not to use a grinder on some dank but to use scissors. i was wondering what you guys thought. is there truth to that or is does it not matter?
  2. if you use a grinder that catches and is easy to harvest the extra thc its way better I think
  3. what kind of grinder would you recommend?
  4. grinder with a keif catch for sure. i have a four piece grinder i would recomend using on dank....

  5. spacecase! get the best and ya never have to worry about buying another grinder.
  6. yeah an old head told me to use scissors.
  7. Scissors is for dank that is too sticky to go in a grinder. If you slap some sticky dank in a grinder all it will do is make your bud look like little balled up chunks. Its better to use scissors on dank but grinders on regular herb.
  8. Not sure what you mean by dank, lol, if you mean high quality bud then it will grind just fine if it's dry enough. If it's still a little wet/moist/dank, lol, then use scissors.

    I have very high quality bud, I grow my own, lot's of amazing trichomes. :D

    When it's not dry enough then it is very difficult to use in the grinder as it clumps up (as someone already mentioned) and plugs the grinder with trichomes so scissors would be better in that situation.

    When it is sufficiently dry for smoking then the grinder is best.

    I have put my bud in the oven @225*F for 20 minutes before when it was too moist (dank) lol.


       /dæŋk/ [​IMG] Show Spelled[dangk] [​IMG] Show IPA
    –adjective, -er, -est. unpleasantly moist or humid; damp and, often, chilly: a dank cellar.

    1350–1400; ME (adj. and n.), prob. < Scand; cf. dial. Sw dänka, Norw dynke moisten, c. ON dǫkk water hole

    -Related forms dankly, adverb
    dankness, noun

    wet, clammy, muggy, sticky, soggy.

    Just funnin', that's all...

  9. i used my grinder for only dank XD no shitty bud is going in that. The smell is heaven. Buy a 4 piece grinder with a kief catcher and collect all the kief. You wont regret it.

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