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Grinders (Legal use)!?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by ButtHeadsBeavis, Aug 5, 2012.

  1. So recently I have acquired a nice small metal grinder, 4 piece 2 stage with kief catcher and everything!
    Now on this Stoney new England night I got to thinking that grinders are supposedly sold for tobacco now what I'm wondering is would there be any benefit in using tobacco in a grinder other than getting it fine to roll? Like what would end up in the kief catcher? Concentrated nicotine!? Likely not, but who has or would buy a grinder for tobacco!?
    Discuss, comments, concerns? Lol
  2. I seriously thought about this a few weeks ago. I wanna know haha.
  3. I've never seen a grinder sold as a "tobacco grinder"
    but I guess that would naturally be the cover yes?
  4. [quote name='"SmokeyH"']I've never seen a grinder sold as a "tobacco grinder"
    but I guess that would naturally be the cover yes?[/quote]

    Yes just a cover like tobacco pipes and bongs lol its just because of the many states it's still illegal and shit even in medical states its still tobacco "accessories"
  5. Lol I would never of noticed this if this wasn't posted.
  6. They're sold for grinding herbs for cooking and other needs
  7. [quote name='"ckycampmember"']Hard search.[/quote]

    Sorry bro I didn't care enough to search, I just wanted to spark up (pun intended) a conversation on a stoner forum while I'm stoned..
  8. no you're just an immature kid trolling on the interwebz
  9. [quote name='"ckycampmember"']no you're just an immature kid trolling on the interwebz[/quote]

    Lol what
  10. [quote name='"ckycampmember"']no you're just an immature kid trolling on the interwebz[/quote]

    Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.
  11. I grind regular herbs for my vape. i dont smoke tobaccy though
  12. A lot of grinders claim to be for "kitchen herbs".
  13. yeah exactly. think of it as a pepper grinder of sorts for legal reasons. lol:D but yeah that is how they can get away with selling them.
  14. [quote name='"kssmeimaprate26"']

    yeah exactly. think of it as a pepper grinder of sorts for legal reasons. lol:D but yeah that is how they can get away with selling them.[/quote]

    If you grind pepper the teeth will break. They're for dried lavender and such.
  15. And the keif catcher is for "pollen"
  16. [quote name='"ckycampmember"']no you're just an immature kid trolling on the interwebz[/quote]

    How is asking a legitimate question.... trolling? Sorry, please enlighten me because I'm interested. I want to start calling people trolls too but apparently the definition of troll changed to 'somebody who asks a question that the other party doesn't like'

  17. haha great thanks for the protip dude. :p
  18. what do you do with the "pollen"? (when you use it as an herb grinder, aka not weed)
  19. They are called "Herb" Grinders not tobacco grinders.

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