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Grinder Question

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Laughing Grass, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. Ok so I got this grinder and weed was getting stuck between the screen and the metal teeth above the screen. So I took the screen out thinking I could get it back on, but I was mistakened. It was easy to get off too. If you look you can see a small bar that holds the screen in place, but it wont come off no matter how much I try. So does anyone know how to put the dang screen back on or did I eff up my grinder?
  2. Yeah you messed it up. I did the same thing with mine so I got a Chromium Crusher off amazon for 20 bucks
  3. If you decide to get a new grinder dont buy a metal one, go to a local or online head shop and get a plastic (triangular spikes) grinder, or spend the extra 10 dollars and get a wooden (Peg) grinder, they work wonders.
  4. quality my friend, sharpstone, mendo mulcher, space case, chromium crusher and all other top of the line grinders can easily be purchased for 20 bucks, the plastic grinders suck big nuggets and so do the wooden ones, plus you want a chamber to store that precious powder we call kief!
  5. i'm an advocate for coffee grinders.
    twenty bucks, grind your weed beautifully and you get an assload of crystals.

    i'm sure some people don't like this, but to each his own.. try it out :)
  6. Coffee grinder is seriously a great idea. But i prefer my space case...just because i love how beautifully it was crafted.
    you fucked it up :\ oh well
  7. Man i have a futurola grinder and it's ok, it looks like a yo-yo which is a plus, and it wont fall apart like the grinder in Super High Me (fuck I thought that scene was the funniest ever, I was rollin on the floor laughing), but it doesn't grind past a certian point, a little too coarse for edibles, plus it doesn't catch kief. I had my first kiefy bowl yesterday (it was the last bowl in the bag of some really kiefy dank), and that was like eating candy on christmas, except you got really high. I need to get one with a kief catcher.
  8. Ok, well, some people disagree, but if I buy just a 2 level metal grinder, I take the screen out anyways, that way when the bud is grinded perfect for bong rips, it just falls through into the bottom. And you still end up with alot of crystal in the bottom.
  9. So you guys are saying that the cirular bar inside that holds the screen wont come off? I mean there has to be a way to get that bar out so I can put the screen back in and then put that bar back on to hold the screen back in place. Either way, how the hell do you get all the weed out from in between the screen and the metal spikes? I had about 5 grams stuck in there. I love this grinder cuz I get keif build up so when it builds up enough I top my bowl with that shit and get blitzed.
  10. im confused. Pics?
  11. You fucked up your grinder man, you have to get a new one sorry!
    Unless you can like weld it somehow..even then..:confused_2:
  12. I am adding pictures as requested, the first one is to show the circular bar that I am talking about that needs to be removed to put the screen back on right. The 2nd is just of the grinder with the screen. The 3rd picture I took because I have all this green weed shit on the sides of the grinder so when I grind weed it makes it harder to grind and I wanna know how you would take that off to smoke.

    Attached Files:

  13. i can't say anything good about sharpstone... they'rr made really shitty

  14. try some needle nose pliers and try to pop that little gasket (the circular bar) out.
  15. that bar is a spring, just pop it out
  16. keep the screen off. if the screen is right under the teeth. It wont work as well to get the kief. iv had one like that before. I just kept the screen off. because of the stuck weed and well It never got me any kief.
  17. #17 pieman007, Jun 4, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 4, 2010
    I have the same problem as well but I still use mine w/o the screen.
  18. My brother took a kitchen knife and was able to pry out the circular ring that holds the screen in and i was able to put the screen back in right. I think the key is finding something thin enough to stick in there to make the metal ring pop out. I have popped that ring out atleast 5 times by now.
  19. hey did you find out how because this happened to mine
  20. Happened to mine as well.

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