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Grinder OCD

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by awesomesaucedoo, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. I realized today that I play with my grinder a lot.
    If I'm bored I'll sit around, go on the computer, read up on grass city, and go through my grinder.
    I'll constantly see how much I have left in it, how much kief, and I also shake it a lot to get the kief to the bottom.

    Does anyone else do this?
  2. Yeap, I sure do :wave:
  3. haha yeah i do like all the time when im bored
  4. But everytime I do it, I realized I want to smoke...
    Damn it haha
  5. haha well there's nothing wrong with that..pack a bowl and light up :smoke:
  6. Stop playing with your weed and smoke it. ;)
  7. nothing wrong with having something in your hands you like to fidget with its when if you don't pick it , that it causes you anxiety ....that's a whole different issue

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