grinder ISO wash

Discussion in 'Other Smoking Accessories' started by Milo Fresh, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. I was planning on giving the ole' grinder a little bath. All i have is 70% iso alcohol, I knoe 90% is preferred, but will this work?

    thanks! :smoke:
  2. It will work fine, it just won't evaporate as quickly as 90%
  3. 90%+ is definately where to go. 70% will work, but in my experience the 90% will be better in every way: yield, quality, and speed of extraction.
  4. I like 90% more. It's just better. Would you be interested in putting up some pre/post soak pics? I have never cleaned my grinder, and it's not nearly enough to soak (I think) so I'm wondering what your grinder looks like, if it's so weed-ish that you think it'll yield resin/product.

  5. I yield about 10-12 big oil hits (1 huge dab) out of my grinder every couple weeks.

  6. Does your grinder just look covered in brown resin at this point?

    I can't even see anything on my grinder, I guess that means it's not worth cleaning? I'm confused. I've smoked/ground a lot of weed, haha
  7. I think you'll know when its time to clean it.
  8. I was talking to my buddy yesterday about giving his grinder a bath as well, and introduced them to the concept of QWISO. They had NOOOOOOO idea what it was, and was rather scared of puttin their weed/anything with THC in it, so I was also wondering on how to go about doing this. The grinder makes VERY little keif with a coin in it, and collects NO keif with no nickel in it, even though we'd smoke mids. The grinder has NEVER been cleaned in probably a year and a half.. Is it time to clean it?

    Also, sorry for threadjacking your thread :\
  9. Why are you cleaning your grinder anyway? It's not like you put your mouth on it and inhale disgusting stale smells and tastes like when you dont clean a (water) pipe. I dont see any reason why you would unless its binding up when you use it, and at which point, you'd probably be cleaning out perfectly good keif build-up.
  10. Thats the point of an ISO wash. All that kief that is stuck inside your grinder can be put to use and made into hash
  11. I just clean my grinder after it gets too noticably "chunky" in how the grinding feels, after it looses that smooth feeling when I rotate it; or when I notice how much my grinder stops gathering keif so much, I know it's time to clean the ginder/screen.

  12. The whole point of washing a grinder in ISO is to make QWISO hash out of it. Personally, I have never done this, but to my understanding you soak the grinder in ISO and then pour the liquid into a dish and evaporate the liquid thus leaving you with QWISO hash. Someone correct me if I am completely off
  13. #13 Dankifornia, Jan 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2010
    I just bought an Oz and after an 8th or so, the metal teeth and other internal parts are already sticky with kief and whatever else.

    How will you be going about cleaning your grinder? Are you just going to shake it up in a ziploc bag full of alcohol and then pour out the alcohol to dry thus resulting in hash (paraphrased qwiso method)?

    Im curious to how youll be doin this, pics or something would definitely be appreciated if you have the time. :smoke:

    EDIT: ^^ Sounds about right, i believe there's ice in the bag/jar and you can wash it multiple times (I think 2-3 times is best)
  14. meh, Id rather just go at it for a couple minutes and scrape it all into a bowl. But thats just me...

    I still have my old grinder, which I've had for about 2.5 years now, and has never been cleaned. It still works fine. I'm sure it would clean out really well, but I'll just leave whats in there, there, and scrape it off if I ever end up in a bind.
  15. Be careful about how many washes you do. If you do too many you'll extract too many other oils from the resin the weed leaves in your grinder and you'll be left with a gooey black oil that won't fully solidify.
  16. Yeah, but that gooey, black oil gets you really high. Kinda hard to work with though.
  17. I meant to say that 1-2 washes is good enough to get the bulk of what you need. :cool:

    Thanks for the info though, i've never done a wash before.
  18. So did this thread just die??

    I want to wash my grinder to make some hash. Has anyone ever done this and succeeded? how much ISO would you use?
  19. alright so i soaked my shit like 30 min ago, can anyone tell me how long you keep it soaking?

    much appreciated.
  20. Theres a step by step tutorial on here with pics from start to finish all u have to do is search for it.

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