I have made some ok bubblers but this is one is the first one I actually like and want to use. Its a gridded ball or showerhead, like the peyote perc, it has i think 7 slits with 4 holes a slit for 28 holes. Its in 38X4mm tubing for the can. It hits very clean for the size. Dope to go bub. Tell me what you think. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdDhQEy-WEw]YouTube - Gridded Showerhead bubbler - Crazy Bubble Stacking HD[/ame]
you made this? +rep make me one please. i hit my friends tonight ( it has a curved mouthpiece that leads to the percolator arm in the chamber full of water that is connected at a 90 degree angle to the downstem and bowl. cool crisp hits and full of flavor- i know what ive been missing only having spoons to smoke out of.
Lol you were offered it yesterday morning lol. And I'm making an ashcatcher version of this soon il put that up when I'm done.
This stackes bubbles harder than most bubblers I've seen! Just needs a base and I would take one off your hands.
Seems like you guys like it lol. I have an etsy account but nothing on it yet, I've been waiting untill I perfect my craft. Il make some more this weekend and put them on etsy when I can. Mabe il try one with a little color in it. What do you guys change with it, besides giving it a upright base?
please say your on etsy??? i was looking to buy a new bub this weekend that is showerhead.. man that thing stacks to.
dood if u could make a transformer version like ac joint and a joint on top for bubbler smokage u guys know what i mean but looks great man i want one
Im going to try to make one by this weekend, i want one also. I am going to be on etsy soon, im under apixdesign but dont have anything up right now, pm me if you want one and i can see what i can do. Thats a good idea, i should definitely make one.