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Grew for the hell of it and got a male, what now?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Cunningham, Aug 9, 2012.

  1. Well i took a bunch of seeds from a reggie zip i bought a while ago and planted them. Turns out one was a male (dont worry the females are still okay) i was just curious what i could do with the male plant, i have thought about trying to make hash or something like that just dont know how. Anyone have links with what to do with a male plant etc.?
  2. Check the growing section. I'm sure there's info there. We have a huge section for growing. Someone with more experience than me will help you out for sure.
  3. Id just kill him with my bare hands.

  4. ^This^
    Males are pretty useless when the name-of-the-game is getting high.
  5. do males have any THC in them?
  6. Take him out back and shoot him

  7. Yes, a small amount at least.
  8. If you want to use the leafs as a wrap for bud, that's a use. :D Much healthier than blunt wraps.
  9. Dudes... You might want to read this before tossing that male in the trash!

    Cultivation of Cannabis sativa L. in northern Morocco. (abst – 2005)
    Cultivation of Cannabis sativa L. in northern Moro... [Bull Narc. 2005] - PubMed - NCBI

    "In addition, the present study establishes that male plants, often considered deficient in delta-9-THC, contain levels of the same order as those recorded for female plants, both in the leaves and in the tops."

    These guys were not doing the old "dry, try, high?" method of judging how much THC there was in those plants. :smoke:

    They were using "high performance liquid chromatography with diode array detection" to figure out exactly how much THC there was. So in Moroccan strains, at least, the males are as good as females.

    In Morocco, cannabis is a multipurpose crop. Their plants produce fiber, seed for chicken food and smoking material. They have not been intensively bred just for high THC production, so the levels are lower than ours.

    So it is quite possible that the male you were going to toss could get you a nice buzz, or make a good extract of some sort. Males do have THC, the amount depends on the strain, growing conditions and the age of the plant.

    Even the male's pollen has some THC in it! (Don't know how smooth it would smoke, though)

    Flavonoid glycosides and cannabinoids from the pollen of Cannabis sativa L.
    [FONT=&quot](abst – 2005) [/FONT][FONT=&quot]Flavonoid glycosides and cannabinoids... [Phytochem Anal. 2005 Jan-Feb] - PubMed - NCBI[/FONT]

    When it comes to males, dry and try! You may get a pleasant surprise! If not, it's compost!

    Granny :wave:
  10. I would just use it for hash. It really depends on how bad you need smoke though I suppose.
  11. I'd smoke it just as something to do.
  12. i pulled my males last week, town was in a dry spell....

    i dried and rolled two 7 gram blunts + the tops.... proceed to :smoke: .... i mean its still marijuana plant:confused_2:

    only used blunts because i am a smoker anyway and rollin fat Ls is fun and the most efficient way to actually catch a buzz:wave:
  13. [quote name='"smokintoke"']i pulled my males last week, town was in a dry spell....

    i dried and rolled two 7 gram blunts + the tops.... proceed to :smoke: .... i mean its still marijuana plant:confused_2:

    only used blunts because i am a smoker anyway and rollin fat Ls is fun and the most efficient way to actually catch a buzz:wave:[/quote]

    How was it?
  14. im smoking an eighth blunt right now.... just the last of it

    so yea itll get you highish.... if you smoke enough....:cool:

    a kush grower in our town harvested recently so in a couple hours ill have some afghani:yay: .... yesterday blueberry couple days before bubba:yay::yummy:
  15. Possibly make hash.. maybe use as compost?
  16. Maybe make some edibles? There are many edible recipes that call for stems, so I think you could give them a try.

    Before you toss it out, you could at least experiment with it and see if you get any nice results. It won't cost you a thing to try it out. If it's useless, then you can toss it without any regrets.

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