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Greetingz from KaNsAs

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by 2011 Gro Ops, May 12, 2011.

  1. Helloo everyone! I won't lie I've had a couple of accounts here before, made and abandoned after a few faulted grow attempts...this year, however, I have stepped it up a notch. I've bought 5 fast bud seeds and got a free th seeds kushage from attitude seeds. As of right now I have ten peat pellets out in the field in a humidome (mini greenhouse). I have dug about four holes, roughly ten gallon holes filled with peat moss and fox farm ocean forest i look forward to taking many pictures for a grow journal so stay tuned for the 2011 KaNsAs gro ops!

    \t\t \t\t\t\t\t \t~ Gro
  2. sweet sounds like its gonna be a good harvest
  3. I hope so! All my other attempts failed miserably, mostly due to lighting, over watering and using mg like a rtard. I believe I have the experience and material needed this time, found fox farm nutes and soil locally but I'm not sure on how to nute my auto flowers that are supposed to finish in 2 months from seed! Btw love the black flag,.anarchy is purdy appealing to the realist person such as myself!

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