Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by SEED, Apr 11, 2001.

  1. Hello: I appologize for not introducing myself sooner. I am a breeder of the plant we all know and love and endeavor to improve it every year.!(17YRS) I have gained much insight on the new varieties scinse LOGGIN ON and am exited about the fall.Harvest! I will be posting on the breeding and growing pages and will be lending my insight to those who may need some simple help.The least I can do, in tribute to those who have helped me. thanx.
  2. welcome we have a lot of growers here.
  3. Cool! Another grower amongst the membership.

  4. Ahhhhhhhhhhh......yes. One can never know too many growers.

    What are 'your' favorite strains ...........why ?

    Mine is Northern Lights # 5 (from Marc Emery originally)....................Short turn around ,( short plant too) good yield ,resists fungus ,low odor ,heady buzzzzzzzzz.

    Welcome to the mob .

  5. another grower from FLORIDA on top

    welcome to the board

    tommole..florida born and breed

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