Been smokin a long time. I naturally have a green thumb and I'm no slacker so i figured i would try growin. I believe reggy weed is an insult frankly and more of an insult to the plant than the people who choose such quality...smh anyways. Yall get high and let me know how my 19day old beauties look
I too have been smoking for a long time and really would like to know WTF 'reggy' weed is? In any event I hope your grow efforts go better than mine...horrible tales of woe, my attempts at growing were...but may try again soon so I will watch yours to see how you do! Are you going with a Sea of Green approach?
"Reggy" is that bricked up full of seeds smells like cat piss headache induceing pot that seems to come from mexico mostly..and I'm not topping or LST cuz i don't know the strain and so I'm just gonna let em grow...after some trials with clones i will see how they respond to topping and other techniques...biggest concern right now is getting the females up to three...out of these three I'm pretty sure i got two females cuz one is maturing noticably faster than the other two...just transplanted into 3gallon pots today and moved the lights up a few inches to allow stem growth so should be seeing a huge boost in plant size...used a acidity booster with iron to bring ph to levels and put bat guano (10-3-1) in new's to a good few months
Wow your description just brought back one hell of a memory in all senses of the word. In the last decade I was a code jockey in SoCal, had extra money to blow on bullshit and on a goof, bought a POUND of the shit you just described just to play with it. So there was this pound of Mexican dirt-weed sitting on (all over) the table when I look over the pile at the TV and see the planes hitting the trade center. I sat there all day and worked on that pile...
Well, the good news is, on that day cops weren't out looking in ppls windows for someone sifting seeds and stems out of pound on the table. So far So good, many of good growers here to help out if needed. have fun on your first grow.
thanks to the abundance of info available thru the generous efforts of u blades my first grow is goin awesome..i thank u and my plants thank you...and I'm sure whoever i let smoke this will thank u. Burn one my noob grow journal. check it out