Hey, Alex here. Long time lurker, first time member. GrassCity has given me countless useful tips, tricks, tutorials and tasty weed recipes for about 5 years now, I hope all the new members fall in love with this city as fast as I have. Looking forward to meeting some more like-minded green-thumbs and don't doubt that I will learn something new every day I've grown some beauties this season, our summer has been gorgeous. Hot, dry, then humid, pour. Brilliant. Anyway, pics and garden logs to come. Much Love, alexontario P.S. TO ONTARIO GROWERS: Is "Crinkle" real? 'cause apparently I'm currently caring for 3 HUGE ladies that are allegedly the infamous Crinkle. All the descriptions I've heard in the folklore match my babies (well, monsters) to a T. Like i said, pics coming soon; but seriously, odds of me actually getting clones of this delicious urban legend? Anyone?