Greetings from Sunny San Diego

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Funshinezz, Oct 10, 2010.

  1. Hello all!! My names Aaron saying a good Whats up from Sunny San diego! I am New to Grasscity but not new to herb. i love the community already and ive only experienced it on a 3rd party perspective, i finally made an acct. so lets all sit back relax light up a bowl:smoke: and get us a game of hacky goin on!:hello: (Yes through the internet)
  2. Welcome to GC :wave::smoke:
  3. Welcome to the city! I am in the OC. Nice to meet ya.:wave:
  4. welcome home....*passes the joint*....:smoke:

  5. haha im rolllin a joint as we speak thanks all for the welcome :)
  6. Welcome :wave: ay toss that shit check out my stalls, Check out the Hack forum in outdoor activites
  7. ?!?! :smoke:

  8. hack forum lol?
  9. oh wait hacky lol i was so confused for a moment.

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