Greetings from Kirkland, WA

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Bron, Jan 9, 2013.

  1. New to the site and to the area... any locals know if the rain will ever stop?!

    Crazy times here with the law change... although I haven't met the right person to point me in the right direction as yet. Anyone who can help with the lack of green stuff will be a hero in my view.

    Anyway, got any other smokers on here from around the area? What's the stuff like around here? Hopefully in a year's time we will live in a civilised version of Amsterdam(well, without the mass prostitution anyhow!)

    Hope you all are well!
  2. Welcome to GC! :wave:

    I can't speak for the rest of the world, but I know I'm watching to see how this whole legalization thing is going to work out. Hopefully the US can be a real trend-setter.

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