Hey fellow growers! I need your help... The upcoming legalisation of our lovely plant in Germany is on the way (49 d left) and we are very excited. I like to apply for a job in the upcoming industry or start my own buisness as some kind of grow consultant and so I posted a thread about this topic. Honestly, this was some kind of "witch hunt". Many were angry about the fact of taking money for a consultant when they can get help for free in their forum. But my forum Admin Simon was so kind, that they offered me to "test my skills" with Bobby's plant. Thanks to Simon and Bobby If you read this! I take care of Bobby's Lady, a Seni Star, and she has some problems: Bobby allowed me to take help from other forums and now I'm here^^ I already did something with his plant (I mean a N-toxicity is clearly visible). Will tell later what I did but before that, I like to have your opinion. I know here are some really great growers and we can show them how to grow the "US-Way" Informations about the plant in the next post.
Sensi Star, Paradise Seeds 50 cm hight 6.5 L / 1.7 gal pot, will use SI from now, please ask me If I should convert. Recycled tomato soil. 4-4-4 NPK chicken pellets, vermiculite, horn shavings, primary rock powder. 5 weeks veg. Day 39 since 12/12 Only tap water 5x Sanlight S2W , 1m², 310W together, about 30cm from plant No PH/EC 35-50% humidity Air temp 22-25°C Watering per wick irrigation So, please help me to get this lady back into shape^^
I'm in Sweden unless you have some good horty academic degree you will always suffer, just because cannabis is a drug/food plant don't make it any more difficult to grow than any other drug/food crop like hops, coffee, tea or potatoes, its all horticulture...chill! you need to be formally educated in the 'hort' field and often one degree is never enough, even a diesel/ motor mechanic is more useful than any pc skill can ever be. N-Tox is no biggy simply avoid feeding for 2 weeks then either pot up or a light feed IMO: trash the vermiculite it holds water hence it holds nute the possible cause of the N-Tox a better choice perhaps perlite good luck
Thanks for your advise! I just have a education as chemical technician. My dream would be to work as a hydroponic grower for a small to mid Cannabis Sozial Club in Germany. It's not about: It's more about to get a nice job I really like. Thanks also for your advise about the plant! I use perlite myself and have no experience in vermiculite. I ordered him to rinse the plant with 2/3 dest. water and 1/3 tap water and to cut it from his wick irrigation. Water from above from now. 5 days later the plant is looking a bit better. I might made a mistakes: I ordered him to lollipop the plant 3d before, see pics. Also I asked him about his N in his tap water (21 ppm) from lokal water supplier. Also I adviced him to get a EC and a PH meter.
Please guys, help our grow consultant. Use you free time free of charge so he can show the grower.ch forum how to grow.