Greetings and a question please...

Discussion in 'Harvesting and Processing Marijuana' started by IamStamos, Feb 28, 2015.

  1. Whats up guys!  I'm knew here so first, nice to meet you and second, I'm fucking stoned right now so don't judge my sense making abilities (I'm have an MBA from Regent).  I've known God but in the last few years have been struggling while i've been fighting a little cancer thing.  Weed has been a life saver mentally many times.  So any ways it looks as though I'm on a weedtrail, Heres what I need friends...
    \nI made some 99% Iso shatter, in the process that I chose after carful and much research.  At the end of the process of heating the plate indirectly with a just under boiling water, which took me an hour.   I then put it in ice water to quickly cool the very sappy and resiny substance I was seeing.  I let this evaporate for an hour before the bath. When I went to scrape it I got this substance... Look at picks here.....
    \nThe last two pick are pressed and heated slowly 
    \n\nIs this ok?...... or did I waste a quarter of some nice flowers.  :confused_2:          


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