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Green dragon made with tequila and seeds?!

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Thatoneguy14, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. Ok, so recently I found a bottle of tequila FULLY PACKED with marijuana...and seeds. It's been sitting in a cupboard for god knows how long and I checked and there is no mold. I found this on christmas at my uncles house and I'm pretty sure he wouldn't mind me taking some cuz he's like my dad. The question I'm asking is, would the green dragon be potent enough so I should only take a couple drops under my tounge or a shot with soda or what? The marijuana My uncle gets is ussualy very potent and the tequila bottle is I kid you not fully PACKED with weed.Leaves, Stems, and dreaded...SEEDS!! Would it still be potent with seeds? I'm going to go to his house on the weekend and getting about 2-3 ounces worth so as to not be noticed. Havent smoked in a long time but I wanna feel what's it's like to drink green dragon. The bottle is around 20 ounces, and I don't think it's alcohol content is high, i think it's as good as any medium grade tequila, but it's been sitting there a LONG time like two years, so wouldn't the thc be extracted?
    Me and my uncle are closer than me and my dad so even if he finds out, it's gonna be no biggy.
    Hell, I might even ask him straight up. hah
    Any info would help alot!
    Toke in peace:B
  2. Stealing from another stoner is not cool bro. Ask him about it, if he hasn't used it in two years, he probably forgot about it and would give you a few shots of it. Maybe if he is super cool about it he would give you the entire thing. Just don't steal it from him, that is just not cool.
  3. Sounds sweet! Definately ask him about it and see if you can try some with him. If your as close as you say you are with him, I'm sure it won't be much of a problem. Report back once you've tried it :smoke:
  4. Ok so I got some...turns out it was made with rubbing alcohol!!! Dx

    hash I made of it gave me a headache too!!! least I got a 20 sack for my b-day;)
  5. :eek: And this is why, you don't just drink random stuff you find in other people's houses :)

    I'm assuming you didn't drink it though, and he told you about it, thus the hash etc.. You got lucky. Drinking Iso isn't a good thing, and it turns to acetone in your system.. also not good.
  6. If it's rubbing alcohol it won't be any good for drinking, but if you were to pour it into a glass bowl and let it evaporate (heating pads can speed it from days to hours for evaporation), you could have some decent hash depending on the quality of iso.

    You could possibly even make green dragon with the iso hash, although I'm not sure if the extra processing would make it taste funky. At least it wouldn't go to waste.

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