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Green Dragon - for the naysayers

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by coloradoboy, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. I made some GD a while back and was sorely disappointed with it. I put 1/8 in a bottle of regular 40% vodka. After 5 weeks I tried it and got little out of it. Two shots got me drunk for a while, but the only weed effects I felt were dry eyes and MAYBE a little lethargy.

    I tried it again this past weekend, which is about 12 weeks from creation. I did ONE shot of it, and got knocked off my ass. It was incredibly strong, especially considering that I only did one shot.

    The effect was very nice - a mix between what smoking feels like and what a good strong brownie feels like. The high lasted about 4 hours. The key difference is that the GD set in much faster than brownies do for me. Brownies usually take a minimum of 1.5 hours, and the GD was going strong at 45 minutes and peaked at about 1.5 hours.

    Anyways, I only post this so that you guys who try GD give it some TIME! If you are unimpressed after 5-6 weeks, let it sit for a while longer and then get blown away.
  2. Also, idk if you did, but allowing the cannabis to decarboxylate will increase potency 10X over...
  3. Im a very big fan of GD, but I always used 151. And decarboxylation is a very good idea, you can accomplish this by baking the weed beforehand for like 15 minutes at 200degrees.
    The first time I made GD I actually took two shots of 151 in a cup and added a bowl of dank and let it sit over night and still got pretty damn high the following night, so i think that higher alcohol percents can quicken the process.
    That being said the last time I did it I had like 10grams of regs in a bottle of 151, let it sit for 7 weeks before i tried it so I definitely agree to let it sit. The effects are incredible just dont have too much cuz things can go bad quick... i also never strained the weed out and by about week 14-15 the taste was so bitter that I could barely stand it.
    I really wanna try making qwiso then dissolving the hash into the alcohol, that way I wouldnt get the nasty taste but the awesome effects.
  4. I didn't do the pre-soak bake. I haven't heard of that until a few days ago. My next experiment is going to be PB, so I will try the decarboxylation then.
  5. There's also everclear, which is 190 proof, about the highest you can get ethanol with fractional distilation.

    Drinking it stright would be painful though.

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