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Green Crack/Purp

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by Kushed13, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. my dealer called the light stuff green crack and i got the purp from someone else just have one picture unfortunately. im a pretty picky smoker so hopefully i can get some more pictures up of my bud i get

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  2. those look very frosty. green crack is one of my faves. enjoy that
  3. dalishus. how much did you pay for that?
  4. Nice nugs dude, +rep for sure. Enjoy that Green Crack if its actually legit.
  5. thats some dank!
  6. i got the GC for 60/eighth from my dealer i really like it so dericious....unfortunately im here in texas so we gotta drive to cali for the medical lol

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