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Green Crack made me SCARED!!!!

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by SanDiego619, Oct 11, 2010.

  1. Okay well I have been smoking for a while, and last week i picked up a couple of G's of Green Crack and after 2 1/2 bowls I was stoned out of my mind. I also started to feel a little paranoid. I know I was just high as fuck, but I kinda think theres something with the green crack that give that feeling ?
  2. some strains aren't for everyone. Find one you like. Green crack is a favorite around here but for me personally it makes me paranoid and knocks me out, not a quality i really like in my weed.
  3. Yea. I know what you mean, because its supposed to be one of the top strains. Im probably going to smoke a few bowls and see if I get that same feeling. It could be because it was a sketchy sesh.
  4. top strains don't mean shit. I bet i could find some unknown strain grown by some old guy up in the mountains for 40 years that is better then most of the namebrand saturating the marketing like fucking shoes and clothing.

    Sry I get annoyed when people just care about price and names... its about what type of weed you like ;)
  5. 2.5 bowls may be an overkill on something like green crack. Try just one and see what happens
  6. Did you check the trichs to see if it was immature? Immature weed can cause anxiety issues.
  7. Well Green Crack is one of the strongest sativa highs you can get. Looks like you got too much sativa to the brain and it made you paranoid. Indicas have more CBD and less THC so the high is more relaxing. A strain like green crack would have very high THC and low CBD to give you that crazy ass trippy high.

    Bottom line: depends what you're looking for

    These days I just chill on my indicas and buzz out on the couch. I like to keep my wits about me
  8. What do you mean ? I never said it was expensive. All I said was it is one of the top strains as in EFFECT WISE. I could care less how much I pay or what its called.
  9. When i smoked green crack it gave me an uplifting feeling. I was somewhat entergetic
  10. that green crack is definitely the best crack

  11. Hahah you got that right

  12. Haha, except the EFFECTS are subjective in terms of enjoyment so I don't know where this top 10 list is but you're dealer definitely got a sale out of you :).

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