Hey Blades. So last night I was chillin' with my friend, let's call him Tyler, we were having a band practice and playing some Resident Evil 5 and smoking on a bud. We had some more friends coming over that night to watch the new episode of Kenny VS Spenny (damn rights, Season 6!). It's been about two hours since we last smoked, and my friend suggests a toke break. I agree, and we get up to go out on the deck. As I'm lacing up my shoes, Tyler walks up and takes out the bong, and his other hand is closed in a fist, and I can see he has Saran wrap or something in his hand. We get outside, he sets the bong down, and before we fill up a bowl, he says "Wait, check this out, dude.". So he opens his hand and inside the plastic wrap is a pile of this light brown substance, solid, but very crumbly. Fuckin' Godly hash. He pulls the gravity bong over, and loads up a bowl. While he's loading the bowl, we just talk, and he's telling me how this is all the stuff that falls off the bud when they harvest it, just filtered of large chunks and then pressed. "Finger Hash", I think he called it. So he pulls himself a nice big g-bong hit, hits that shit, and then sits there coughing, baked as hell. He loads me up a bowl, and I start milking it. Jesus Christ, that was a 4 litre milk carton we used, and I took the biggest hit I've ever taken in my life, of hash. Keep in mind, I don't smoke nearly as much as this guy. So it started to suck right from the start. I was coughing, but it wasn't like normal where it goes away after five minutes and whatever, it kept going, and I had the weirdest feeling in my throat. And I was more baked than I'd ever been. So we go inside and both agree that we're too ripped to play instruments. We start watching Trailer Park Boys. I start to feel really, really, really self concious about sitting, no matter what, I feel like people are laughing at me and saying I sit weird. It was like an anxiety attack but worse. I tell Tyler my high is uncomfortable, he agrees. So I sit back in what is hopefully a more normal position, and ask him if he could get me a glass of water. At this point, I didn't really remember I was just high, and the show made no sense anymore. He won't get me water, I can't explain to him why I can't get it myself. This makes me angry. I sit back and watch the TV, but I feel totally disconnected from my body. It's like being on a roller coaster. Nothing made sense. I couldn't talk. I was dizzy. I couldn't snap out of it. I asked my friend to help me, told him I was in hell. I sat up and BAM. Puked. Luckily he has floors not carpets. He snapped into his senses and got me a bucket and got up, told me we were greening out, and that I needed to snap back into reality. We oversmoked. I came back, it all made sense. I threw up everything, my entire stomach was emptied. I went into the bathroom to clean up. Washed my face and my hair. Felt a lot better. I greened out again, and puked even more, which I didn't think was possible. At least this time I knew it was coming and had a bucket. Came out of the bathroom, and by that time, everyone was there. I apologized, it was fucking embarassing. Tyler greened too, but at least he didn't throw up. The rest of the night I still chilled with everyone, I was just super tired and out of it. This is a good lesson, I'm not planning on getting ripped all the time anymore, I want to limit my smoking a lot. I guess it's just something that everyone has to experience at some time or another. Thanks for reading! *SUMMARY* Gravity Bonged godly hash, lost reality, greened out, threw up, cleaned myself up, greened out again, chilled with my friends and tried to stay awake.
WTF you mean you doubt it? Do you think he would of threw up if he didn't smoke? Most likely not. And yeah, the hash was probably waaay to strong for you to handle, since I asume you have a low tolerance. Also, is this your first time smoking hash? Lastly, gravity bongs get you stoned as shit! You were baked from one rip.
One time I took a huge hit from a brand new roor, a very nice one to. I started inhaling, then didn't realize that I took way to much, I exhaled like 1/3rd of it. I couldn't get the rest out, I had trouble breathing for 5-10 minutes. After sitting in the garage with like 5 other guys and a girl who I was very close with. I was just so fucked up. Somehow I ended up on a couch with my friend M asking if I was okay. Problem is I wasn't okay at all, I couldn't open my eyes, I couldn't move, couldn't speak, I wasn't able to do anything, but I could hear only what she was saying. It had to be the most scariest 30 minutes of my life.
I've smoked hash before, and I've g-bonged countless times, but I guess that hash really pushed me over the edge. I can only imagine what a bad trip would be like.
its happened to me before.... definitely not fun.. your the only person other than me who i've ever heard describe it like being on a roller coaster... so not fun. did you pass out afterwards like I always do when that happens and just have an amazing sleep?
I believe it's keif not hash and that's like a better version of weed to smoke than the ground up bud because it's a lot of thc filled crystals. Sounds like you took a really big hit and that messed with your lunges.
Nah, I didn't crash afterwards, although I coulda. I just hung out with my friends, nodding off like a junkie. Man was I tired. But they didn't care, they understood. And yes, it was keif, just pressed. Keif = Hash. Good shit, I'll tell ya that.
You never smoked hard as a newb. Its not our fault. It happens to the best of us, guy. I remember the day i smoked an 1/8 alone when i picked up a 1/2 of some crazy haze. I usually smoked like .4 a day so an 1/8 was ALOT more than normal. I smoked about 3.5g of haze, ate a XL Dominos pizza, and then i went to crap. I was taking a dump when i randomly picked up the garbage can and threw up. I fell asleep and woke up on a toilet. Summary: If you smoked alot more than normal for you, you might puke. Lol
You just gotta know how much you can handle. A newb to hash shouldn't smoke anymore than a sprinkle ontop of a packed bowl. One time my friend smoked some hash and than ate a bunch of candy.. he greened out and threw up in the bathtub 10minutes later. LOL