Greatest gained knowledge while high?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by ProvidencePlant, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. I was watching Lost Season 1 (I am way behind I know :rolleyes:), there is this scene when this Iraqi guy is torturing this sort of redneck dude. Anyway I realized that torture is exactly like bullying someone, I used to be down with torturing prisoners and shit but not anymore. Oh what wonderful things we learn while we are stoned out of our skull. I can't believe that people say us stoners are stupid. Oh well, jokes on them.

    TL;DR: It's like 10 sentences read it pussies.

  2. It's five sentences. :smoking:
  3. everyone seems to have wisdom...i want some too...
  4. 6 donuts are cheaper than 5
  5. Hahaha alright

  6. No it's not the same. Bullying is an insecure person picking on another for social status. Torture usually has a purpose. Could be punishment, or in terms of the military, it's used to extract information
  7. bullying= picking on, aka enjoying in someone's misery
    torturing= mainly used to get information via someone's misery
  8. The common ground is the fact that the torturer and the bully enjoy it regardless that they are doing it for different reasons.

    But yeah I don't have any great knowledge gained while high, well I mean I know I have I just can't specifically remember them. First time I took sh----- I was watching these cars go by, and I realized that everyone is living their own life, everyone is in the same place as me, doing all the same stuff. I dunno it just hit me really hard at the time.
  9. Life goes on.
  10. Torture doesn't really work, most of the time they just say what you want them to or nothing at all. It also boosts enemy moral. Torture is really messed up IMO, but I guess its a necessary evil?

    I read a ton when I am high for some reason, I normally read a ton of paranormal shit but I'll read anything that is long and interesting.
  11. continue to watch Lost high, that shit gets crazy, but don't ever let anyone tell you anything or it will be completely ruined
  12. That wasn't gained knowledge while high. That was liberal hollywood brainwashing you while high. They set up many of their shows in a way that will make you "naturally" come to the conclusion of whatever they want -- in this case, that torture is wrong.
  13. When I smoked, I found out that Earth was acutally round.

    You believe that shit? A round planet.

    Yeah yeah, I know. GTFO.

    And this whole time I thought it was like Monopoly or something.
  14. That it doesn't matter what other people think about me.

    I'd rather be hated than pitied.
  15. Dude I watched lost, starting at episode 1, in order all the way to the last episode. Great show. Keep watching.

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