Great support

Discussion in 'General Forum Feedback' started by bingo wings, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. Okay, I made a post yesterday about not getting my tracking number and no responses to either of my tickets, my thread was closed and locked last night before any problem was even addressed, not so much as a PM, an email or even a response from a GC admin or workers. Thanks a lot guys I can see that you're really trying to keep a professional feel around this business, local headshops from now on I guess.
  2. this is support for the forums, which is separate from the shop. they cant really deal with shop issues from here. none of the mods are affiliated with the shop, except superjoint but hes the entire site owner and it isnt standard protocol for him to deal with stuff through the forums. thats more than likely why the thread was closed:wave:
  3. that gives them the rite to close the thread..... if support doesnt awnser we will post in the forums as it IS affiliated with the store. we want support and we want it now! i just recieved an email saying my order has been completed, and a false tracking number that didnt turn up shit.??????????????????????????????! I chose registerd mail because i wanted to TRACK my order so i didnt get ripped off. grasscity needs to send my shit or im fileing a claim. this is more of a scam store then an actual store. people are pissed off and all they are saying is " support is overloaded with emails....etc blablahblah" idc higher more support.... As a customer i expect better service, buyers beware.

    I do on the other hand love the forums thats why i chose to buy from the site in the first place.

  4. "Hire more support" as if it's just that easy.

    Do you run a business of your own? Have you experienced this situation yourself?

    Normally the support team that they have here is plenty.
    But considering all the orders that went on around the holidays when things started being shipped by boat instead of plane due to Homeland Security and the weather on top of that, I'm sure they're dealing with a lot more support issues than normal.

    Sure, they could hire a couple new people... And it would take a few weeks to train those people adequately and by the time they got trained they probably wouldn't even be needed anymore because the people who ordered during the holidays will have probably gotten their packages by then and the support issues will slow down by quite a lot.

    I mean, that's just my guess based on what I've seen recently. But GC is far from a scam. SJ always does everything he can to make sure his customers are satisfied, but some things are beyond his control.
  5. thanks for giving your opinion on the subject at hand.

    to awnser your question,yes i do own a very successful business actually, and i dont see how that is very relevant to this thread.

    in my opinion your moderator skills are demonstrated very poorly in your post. i would consider editing your post if your being payed.
  6. #6 *guest, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 9, 2011

    No, I'm not being paid. I do this on a volunteer basis and I was just stating my opinion.

    I understand the thoughts of "hire more people" but do you also understand what I'm saying regarding why that might not work as easily as people think it will? :p

    Yeah, they could hire more people, but they also have to train those people and considering that the support issues are far more numerous because of the holiday season and the weather and Homeland Security and all that, by the time those people got trained they probably wouldn't even be needed anymore.

    That is just a guess from myself and I'm not trying to speak for SJ at all, but can you at least understand what I'm saying about it? :poke:
  7. i can say that gc is not a fraud. i recieved my gc cyber monday order a little more than a month after i placed the order. i dont think more support would even fix the issue. would an email telling you its on the way make you feel better? really they cant do anything for you as of now and i really feel you pain and hate saying this. they cant even tell if the mail systems have lost the order yet because of how long most of these shippments are taking. so it make take a little longer if your package was lost but that is just so they dont ship out a duplicate item and you receive 2 packages for the price of one. all they can do is wait for the package to be returned to them by the postal service, before they could even think about sending out another package. but i doubt it will even come to that. you will recieve your package im sure of it. and if you dont im sure gc will take care of you when the time comes
  8. Dude, there's nothing usually that anyone from the forums can do for you and the Shop Support team has no reason to check the forums. There's a Support section of the Shop for a reason.

    However, if you will send me a Private Message with the title Order Issue and include your order number and your Support ticket number, I will have it checked out.

    I have to check on some for others so, please, feel free to shoot me a PM with this info. :)

    As far as the horrible comments directed at jd. That was absolutely uncalled for. She volunteers her time here just like the rest of the team and deserves a little more respect than what you dished out.

    If you want to talk about editing a post, even though everyone makes mistakes, you might want to double-check that word "payed" because I'm a little unsure as to what that means. ;)
  9. ohhh shit. :smoke:

    You should make it a sticky that the forums aren't affiliated with the shop, I see you guys dish that line out multiple times a day, make it all caps too.
  10. Hello its been 2 weeks since my order and it is still pre-shipping status, as well as my request ticket which hasnt been answered in a week... i just spent 80$ in the shop really worth it i guess.........

  11. Werd.. one of the nicest mods I have ever talked to. Mad props to all the mods on this site.. :hello:
  12. I didn't even see that!

    How dare you disrespect Junkie like that! Shame!
  13. Theres a reason he has 3 red bars. He has been nothing but disrespectful. Not just to JD, but pretty much GC as a whole

  14. Dude, PM me your order number and your support ticket number with a title of Order Issue and I'll make sure it's checked out. :)
  15. You think they could just ask for help without the condescending attitude? :confused:
  16. Well, one would think, Brahski. :rolleyes:
  17. all i have done is disrespect? Are you just being a little over-sensitive or stupid? Im just letting people know what i think about the grass city store and the support they have CURRENTLY. All i get in return is mods gettin defensive an neg repping me. The mods shouldnt be emotionally attached to the GC store, there job is MODERATING the forums dude. ive obviously upset you all (mushman, and a bunch of mods) but it wasn't suppose to be a strike, as a lot of them took it. Ive ddefintly payed for as my rep is now -201 points...

    Before this dispute ive never had a neg rep and ive been posting here since 2009. All this neg rep has come to me in the past 3 days.
  18. #18 ImTheJoker4u2, Feb 10, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 10, 2011
    Congrats dude - I've never seen anyone with five red bars lol
  19. maybe you need to visit the support section more than to continue your rant here:

  20. people just really dont take well to spreading bad vibes around here, especially if theyre directed at GC:confused_2:

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