Great shots from atop Bachelor!

Discussion in 'The Great Outdoors' started by SmoothCriminal, Sep 27, 2010.

  1. #1 SmoothCriminal, Sep 27, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2010
    Here are a few pictures I took while boarding at Mt. Bachelor.

    Sorry for the bad quality, they were taken with a 2 megapixel camera phone.





    The bottom two are pictures of South Sister, and Broken Top.
  2. nice those are good for a 2 mp camera
  3. It's from a LG Chocolate 3, nothing special..

    I love the shadows on South Sister and Broken Top (The bottom pictures). It creates a very cool contrast.
  4. Can't see the pics atm.

  5. no?


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  6. Oh, very nice! How was the boarding?
  7. yeah i couldnt actually see the pictures before. but that looks fun, and how high is that mountain? looks pretty high

  8. This was this winter. The boarding last season was great! Bachelor is notorious for having either wonderful weather, or absolutely awful weather. Luckily it was mostly good weather. Lots of powder, bluebird days, not too crowded.

    I don't know for sure.. but I believe Bachelor is between 9,000 and 10,000 feet.
  9. I'm so jealous. I haven't gotten to get out to Bachelor yet this year. I'm stuck in washington =/ Hopefully Mt. Ashland will open soon and I can stop by Bachelor on my way down.

  10. IMO Bachelor is much better than Ashland. I've only been there once.. but the weather was pretty crappy and it was super icy.

    Bachelor is wonderful resort!
  11. Oh no doubt Bachelor is MUCH MUCH MUCH better than Ashland. I just live like 10 minutes from Mt. Ashland. lol So i'd be going home and I'd stop by bachelor on the way.
  12. Mt bachelor is a phatty resort:
    top three places to ride on the west coast according to me Whistler/BLACKCOMB (#1 for lifestyle #1 for gnar terrain) Mt Bachelor then mammoth (or somewhere in lake tahoe)

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  13. that powder looks wonderful!

    I just bought my season pass to Bachelor a few weeks ago. I can't even begin to describe how excited I am.. haha winter is the best season out there!

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