People say pot makes you lazy and dumb but here is a personal story to prove otherwise. So one day I decided to get high around noon. I completely forgot I had a midterm that day, and checked my school online account to be reminded I have a midterm! I panicked, which was only exemplified by being high, but decided to go anyways and give it a try. It was in my symbolic logic class too, so it wasn't like it was a breeze. However I went and took the midterm, and am pleased to say I got an A on it =]. So yeah, that's my pot success story. Anyone have any similar stories?
I'm gunna try to go through one final exam high, an exam that i wouldn't mind failing, hmmm, english maybe? One thing is sure, getting high does not get me lazy.... but getting dumb.... yea
about that.. i never got high for the final... my grade on the final was the grade that would either make me or break me into summer school.
I took my computer science midterm high and got a B but that's because logical things make more sense when I'm high and computer science is logic. *has the perfect stoner career...I think*
damn man.. i came in late yesterday for an exam and was lucky i could still take it.. anyway i was like 30 mins late and knew all of the answers and finished before a bunch of kids that were there the whole time lol... weed <3